[b][i]- An interlude for RoB and other realms, loosely tied to Warhammer 40k and several other themes.[/i][/b]
[i] Hurtling through the aether, between the currents of space and time, soars a mighty vessel of steel and flesh, a starship of vast size and unimaginable power - The Bloodwrath. This is an ancient ship of legends, with a lengthy history that has appeared throughout time over tens of thousands of centuries. It has sailed through the warp, a gateway between stars and galaxies that does not abide by the laws of physics, and is inhabited by entities of unspeakable horror including gods of madness and chaos. The inhabitants of the ship are champions from many realms. With no memory of their arrival, they are bound together for a common cause - a cause that not even they can fathom. These are the stories of these exiles.
[b]Welcome to Prison of Exiles.[/b][/i]
[b][i]For New Arrivals:[/i][/b]
[b][i]Bloodwrath Information:[/i][/b]
[b][i]Link to RoB reference:[/i][/b]
- [b][i]The Bloodwrath will now be your home, but tread lightly, for this starship has a taste for blood, and a hunger for the souls of men to fuel it's fires of war. Consider this a warning, venturing into quarantined and off limits areas could lead to an unpleasant demise. The things that dwell in the dark are beyond you, and more insidious than you could imagine.
[u]Current Happenings:[/u]
- Your memories are blank as to your arrival, but there seems to be hope. Many are reporting visions brought on by depictions of an hourglass... Perhaps searching for banners, relics, books, or other items related to the hourglass could unlock the mystery of your arrival.
The Rivers of Blood continue to flow. [/i][/b]
Edited by Expresso4: 5/19/2016 1:14:24 AMBiography [spoiler]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/204634344/0/0/1[/spoiler] As Bastien awoke, he found himself surrounded by walls seeming to be crawling on their own. He knows he has been separated from his family, and needs to find them. He looks down the long hallway and begins to walk, itching to kill anything that tries to stop him... [spoiler]this is my first time doing a role play, if anybody could help me get the ball rolling it would be much appreciated[/spoiler]
[b][i]Even in Death[/i][/b] [i]We're comin' for you -AC/DC[/i] [b]The Bloodwrath, Unknown Sector[/b] [i]Fire. A cold numbness to it as he appeared in the corridor of the tainted and vile warship. He could physically feel himself, and yet it were as if he was ethereal. His return after death had been at a cost, he was now a. force of vengeance. A soldier who had once killed to intimidate now killed to avenge those who faced wrongful blame and scorn. Was this really living? Was he even alive? It didn't truly matter, and it wasn't worth the headache. The Saudis couldn't kill him all those years ago in the desert. The Delta team sent after him during the Third World War couldn't kill him. And even when the CIA authorized and carried out his execution, they couldn't kill him. He had returned, yet again. Of course, appearances had changed. His armor was no longer black, rather, it was an eternal void, pulsating with energy, occasionally crossed by the souls of those damned for all eternity. His weapons no longer were of the material world, steel and plastics replaced with fire and brimstone. He no longer needed technology, for it was now all a matter of ability. He felt no pain, no emotion, no fear; yet, he retained the appearance of being in his old exosuit. The mask that had become known and feared was no more, and a new one took its place. The dark void remained, but where there had once been a brilliant white, there was all-consuming fire. The cloak that he had once worn for his fallen comrades was now a cloak of flame. He stood and took in his hellish surroundings, sensing the power that ran through the ship, an evil more potent than any he had known. It piqued his will to hunt, and there was plenty of prey, all confined to the ship. Some of them had to pay for the actions of days past, and he was to play judge, jury, and executioner. Even in death, General Cody "Blackjack" Wolfe was a hunter. The Betrayed Soldier had returned, at the cost of his soul. [/i] [spoiler]He's back, and he's pissed.[/spoiler]
Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 5/18/2016 5:00:51 PMREDACT
[b]The Wrath and Ire of Feryun Part III[/b] [b][i]While I remain wary of this "Bloodwrath" I have been studying it and it is rather interesting indeed. Reports from the Thousand Sons have told that the ship felt 'Alive'. It is roughly 1/5 the size of Terra. I will investigate it on my own but I will need to be convincing if I were to gain access. Tzeentch guide me to the way of plotting.[/i][/b] -Log of Feryun,508 [i]I can feel it,That Hoarfrost...but why? I must find out this conundrum. I have lost track of that scum Noirtrom...I believe he is doing something...I musnt stay on this matter. I must say..new arrivals are coming. They could be possible threats to my plan. I will track them eventually. But even so I must lay low,for I believe I am being watched...[/i]
[i]Tech lands his ship on the hull. There was a reporting of ships gone missing around this area. Tech has no idea of this place and its powers. He spots a small hole on the bottom-side. He leaves the ship and squirms through. [/i] Literally have no idea what to expect from you guys because I don't know anything about this stuff. Seemed cool though. And lone adventurers without a clue are the best adventure stories.
Edited by DGC LemanRuss: 5/17/2016 11:56:07 AM[b]Current Events[/b] •An old face has returned, soulless and unrelenting. The Emperor protect those who cross his path. • Ryker has been noticed by Chaos for reasons unknown. He is not dead nor possessed by the powers that be have definitely taken notice of him. • A Chaos Lord has taken intrest in the happenings of the ship and all aboard. Rumors of another Chaos Prince are also being circulated amoung the dregs of the imperials. The Chaos cults remain tight lipped about both. • the Bloodwrath has gone into assault with with a Necron ship. Casualties are still being tallied but the the assault is deemed a victory.
[b]The Wrath and Ire of Feryun Part II[/b] [b]The Master of a Thousand and One plots always controls fate,Yet this does not mean he controls life and death as that it Nurgles territory. They are immortal enemies. I respect Nurgle in some odd way,I feel connected..every being is...[/b] -Feryuns Transcript log 507. The Apparition walked the halls of the Bloodwrath. He waved a hand and a door appeared. It led to a Lexicanum. Tzeentchs to be specific. [i]The other princes are oblivious to the true threat...such a shame. While they did recognize a threat in which I did not know,The Red Man. The true threat would be each other. I could take advantage of this and claim the very powerful souls for the Lexicanum. but that would require them to kill each other which is a impossibility. Unless I can provoke a new age of hatred. Nurgle against Slaneesh against Khorne. The Good The Bad and The Ugly. though all of them are The bad and Ugly...I do not know what to do,I'm rather excited to see them turn against each other. It's bound to happen...I must stop now,for I hear footsteps.[/i] He closed the Lexicanum and exited the room,the door vanishing. [spoiler]Enter thy.[/spoiler]
Edited by cyberattaq: 5/17/2016 11:02:05 AM[spoiler]New iteration of some plot[/spoiler] Alternate plot Chapter 1: Awakening Ryker jerked awake. He was in a cabin of what looked like a ship. It was small, grimy. The light flickered and the bed was hard. He stands up, his body dripping in perspiration. He looked at his hands, noticing a strange sign that looks like an eye. "What...?" Confused, Ryker steps outside the cabin into a hallway, it looked to be filled with the same cabins. He walked down the corridor, exiting a larger door and coming to a completely empty chamber. It was coated in s fine layer of dust. "What is this place..." He says to himself. "Hello?" How has he gotten here? Why was he here? He knew the answers to none of these. He exits the chamber I to a massive, massive hull of a ship. It was the size of a world, smaller ships flew around to their spots, screams could be heard, and fire could be seen. This was chaos related, he steps out, calling his ASCS down, luckily it still deployed. He had no idea where he was, or what the mark on his hand was, but he would need to find out. [spoiler]Just setting it up[/spoiler]
Edited by cyberattaq: 5/17/2016 3:04:30 AMRedacted
[b]The Wrath and Ire of Feryun.[/b] [i]So Noirtrom has decided to unite the Chaos Gods...Interesting,but Tzeentch always has a plan within a plan. He is not The Lord of a Thousand and One plots for nothing..He granted me my powers due to a simple thought and ever since I've been in his command. He has granted me the highest honor,Chaos Lord. I am constantly attacked by Daemons of Tzeentch due to the order of Chaos. Yet I feel a sense of regret,and yearn for the things I want. Ironic in a sense. The Man poses a threat too. I hope my Apparition can handle it,If not I will have to be involved. Though that uses extreme force and tears up reality as it is. The Summoner is a ordeal of its own. [/i] [spoiler]Alright I'll clear up some things. What's a Chaos Lord?:Its basically a Chaos Champion but it has performed extreme tasks of their lord down to the letter. They can be more powerful than Champions but it depends on the being. Apparition?:Yes,Feryun has been plotting this for a while and decided the safest way to do it is using Apparitions instead of his true self. Hope that clears up things.[/spoiler]
Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 5/15/2016 1:49:52 AM[b][i]Chapter 1.6 <CAST YOUR VOTES FOR WINNER>[/i][/b] [b][i][u]Choose your letters:[/u][/i][/b] Spyglass: A https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/204149395/0/0/1 Boogeyman: B https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/204099533/0/0/1 Pepperidge Farm: C https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203958647/0/0/1 Axton: D https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203948477/0/0/1 Deadpool: E https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203771778/0/0/1 Shadow: F https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203759183/0/0/1 Alexia (Shad): G https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203627936/0/0/1 Tamefrog: H https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203625912/0/0/1 Stratos: I https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203620020/0/0/1 RandomeFelyne: J https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203607130/0/0/1 Lord of Cinder: K https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203604215/0/0/1 [b][i][u]Cast your votes for the winner by using the following format for your favorite winners in each category:[/u] <insert letter of the best character intro> What got your attention most? <insert letter of the goriest kill> What was your favorite part of the kill? <insert letter for most OP> What was your favorite ability used? <insert letter for warrior you would choose as a partner> Why? [/i][/b] [b][i][u]Please read all of the posts and comment directly on each other's post with feedback and/or constructive criticism. If you cast a vote, you have to answer the question associated with the category. [/u][/i][/b]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 5/16/2016 3:28:14 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*Mortar forms from the ground, his blazing red eyes looking around at the people leading their own lives* Hello new people... [spoiler]open[/spoiler] -
[b]Feryun walked the halls of the Bloodwrath,eventually reaching the hull,staring at the endless Void of space.[/b] Yet he felt rather worried,there have been reports of a peculiar Red man. [i]Was this the being The Summoner warned me about? I do not know but I should keep an eye out,He can attack at any moment...I can probably fend him off,But I can't escape the ship....No one can...Has my Lord Tzneetch punished me to an inevitable death? Maybe this would be the end,my soul would be Tzneetchs. This is probably the debt being repaid,My soul..[/i] He was worried under the mask,His piercing white eyes looking around. [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]
Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 5/9/2016 11:12:02 PM[b][i]Chapter 1.6 - Killzone[/i][/b] [b][i][u]Part 1: Necron Capitol Starship - The Bridge[/u][/i][/b] [i] The monster appeared out of thin air with a crackling slap of displaced air and warp energy, it had been teleported from the depths of the Bloodwrath's quarantine zone. It was 17ft in height, with a mountain range of thick, jagged spikes on its back. It's claws were each over a foot long and connected to humanoid hands the size of a mans's entire chest. Two blazing red orbs made up its eyes while its entire body was made of pitch black, solidified shadows - this beast's is known by many names... The shape shifter, the flesh tearer, the soul eater... Most just call it Armageddon. Moments later, everything in the bridge was brutally torn to scraps of smoldering fleshmetal. [b]Armageddon shifts his form to match that of the Necron War Lord, entering it's sequence to shut down the Capital Ship's interior defenses, and disengaging the ship's engines. The ship is no longer capable of fleeing the Bloodwrath's monstrous assault.[/b][/i] [spoiler]Armageddon: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/149357992/0/0[/spoiler] [b][i][u]Part 2: Necron Capital Starship - Pylon Chamber[/u][/i][/b] [i] Two figures materialize out of thin air, one gigantic, 21ft tall Draconic warrior called Ømen, the other 13ft tall Stealth Commando known as Libreous-Tibrarium. Ømen's massive shield materializes on his left arm as he stands watch over the empty pylon chamber while Libreous sets charges on the Pylon. Moments later he finishes. Destroying the pylon reduces the Necron's ability to teleport and regenerate their fearsome, metal bodies. "Ømen, make us an exit route." Says Libreous as he prepares for intense combat happening elsewhere on the ship. [b]Without preamble, Ømen bulldozes through the wall with his tremendous strength, heading for battle. Libreous falls in step behind him. [/b][/i] [spoiler]Libreous: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/142581582/0/0 Ømen: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/144276062/0/0 [/spoiler] [b][i][u]Part 3: Necron Capitol Starship - Embarkment Chamber[/u][/i][/b] [i] Thousands of Necrons slumber in this massive, 10 kilometer wide, 10 kilometer long chamber. The chamber is a giant dome at the top of the ship used as a staging area due to its size. Dozens of great shafts connect to the top of the dome for airborne vehicles to come and go carrying warriors and freight. [b]The Necron's slumber is disturbed by a powerful explosion deep in the ship, and a massive force of the most elite warriors known to the Imperium and the forces of Chaos - they teleport in all at once and begin the slaughter. Tens of thousands of corkscrewing missiles fly over head as a wall of Chaos Legionnaires, brandishing roaring chainswords, slam into the unprepared Necrons. Lumbering, 2 story tall, dreadnoughts bring up the rear, firing missiles and unleashing solid streams of mass reactive, turbo-cannon fire - spent shell casings spew from the smoking weapons as strobing flames banish the darkness in front of the dreadnoughts.[/b] The Necron's return fire would be catastrophic had they anticipated a boarding force, but this unfortunate turn of events leaves them scrambling to respond. The lack of the pylon means they are semi-mortal, and unable to use teleporting tactics - a deadly trick they're famous for. <[u]Enter Character[/u]> Armageddon leaps from the ceiling, landing among the roar of battle, tearing into the Necron forces like a terrifying bloodfeind. His claws bisect them two at a time and launch body parts skyward for several meters at every swipe. <[u]Enter Character[/u]> A forceful explosion rocks the side of the dome as Ømen smashes through with his shield, sending massive chunks of exotic metal sailing through the air and landing amongst the Necron hosts, crushing several and pelting them with smaller debris that tinks off their metal alloyed skin. [b]Ømen stands up to his full height, flexing his enormous bulk, and roars deafeningly loud as his 10ft, 2 handed shockmaul materializes into his right hand - which he easily handles with one hand. Ømen charges into the Necron's, flattening anything standing in his path, swinging his energized shockmaul like a wrecking ball - slaying dozens of Necron's at each swipe and sending entire groups of them tumbling through the air like bowling pins hit by a dump truck.[/b] <[u]Enter Character[/u]> Libreous-Tibrarium's armor floods his system with potent combat stimulants as the armor itself shifts from it's economic stealth form, into it's fearsome berserker form - the plates shift and reform into angular looking segments as his gauss capacitor reaches full charge. A deep hum resonates from his armor a split second before it bursts into a thunderstorm of crackling, emerald green lightning that arcs and buzzes across every surface of its obsidian colored plates. His gauntlets crackle with so much distorted lightning that it appears to be covered in green flames. [b]Libreous's thrusters fire in rapid succession, launching his entire, hulking body forward in a green blur. He zips across the chamber and throws a heavy right hand punch at the nearest Necron - elbow thrusters overloading with tremendous power, amplifying the punch to beyond overkill. His fist connects with enough force to flatten a dreadnought, atomizing the front of the Necron's metal body and blowing it apart into chunks no larger that a fist. Flaming debris from it's body rains down on it's brethren as the energy from Libreous's armor zaps everything within a 5 meter radius with emerald lightning.[/b] Clawed grappling chains extend from each fist, chittering like Cobras as they raise up over his head, seeking targets. The Necron's are backing away from him at this point as the long chains come alive with crackling, emerald energy. Libreous's perception slows as the combat drugs in his system reach maximum effectiveness. [b]"FUÇK EM' ALL!!!" Roars Libreous as his thrusters explode into life, sending him into a tornado of crackling, emerald fury - launching destroyed bodies and torn limbs meters into the air, and pinballing between the Necrons like an out of control, ricocheting bullet. [/b] He leaves a path flaming metal slag in his path, the Necron's are pummeled to death by his fearsome, energized fists. <[u]Enter You[/u]>[/i] [spoiler]describe your character's entrance to the battle and destroy the Necrons. Be as OP as possible and write as much detail as you can. We will vote on who has: 1. The best entrance 2. The most OP presence 3. The goriest kill 4. The best overall. Remember, you control both sides of combat - I'll not be interfering at all so make it good. We will vote in a few days and paste our posts in the RoB greatest hits - a place where hundreds of the best posts on b.net are saved. The RoB greatest hits will be the hall of fame for this thread, take pride in your posts.... And show me what you motherfuçkers are capable of![/spoiler]
[b]Quarantine zone blast doors, bloodwrath Jared stood before the imposing doors, his head semi bowed and his thoughts running rampant, mostly about his encounter with death, literally.[/b] [i]"If you were half as powerful as my brother..."[/i] [b]He shook his head, trying to clear it of that phrase, but it clung to him like a flea on a dog. So he decided to come here, the quarantine zone.... He was equipped with all he had, the weapons being mementos of the place he had called home, the place that had disowned him. He grabbed the door with all his might and pulled it open, then activating his ODST armor's VISR, outlining the ground and enemies from friendlies. He walked into the maw, the ship itself seemingly eager to devour its prey.[/b] "Sarris......where are you, what are you, [i]who[/i] are you?" ((Open))
Edited by Tâxx, Herald of the IRS: 5/13/2016 2:43:38 AM[b]A portal opens up and shoots someone out of it, launching who ever it was onto a deck with a loud thud, leaving a dent where she crashed as well. The person who crashed is a woman, wearing a strange suit. She stands up and looks around[/b] Where am I? [spoiler]open, intro post[/spoiler]
Edited by Tamedfrog: 5/13/2016 1:09:50 AM[b]Psionic Burst[/b] [i]Xavier sits in his room, inspecting the gem given from Sarris.[/i] [quote]"Your best weapon is your mind."[/quote] [i]The runes from the gem glow from his touch, A white, red and purple hue radiating from it.[/i] [quote]"We will meet again, until then..."[/quote] [i]They would come for him any minute. He needed to get more weapons and power, fast.[/i] [quote]"Unlock your mind. You can start by swallowing the gem, but..."[/quote] [i]Guess that time is now, huh? He needs to take this opportunity, or he'd be dead.[/i] [quote]"...Prepare yourself for an out of body experience."[/quote] [i]Xavier consumes the gem. The doors and windows were made sure to be locked, so that he didn't get interrupted by anyone. He waits for it.[/i] [spoiler]Open to Fulgrim. Not open to anyone else, unless you decide to try and break into the room.[/spoiler]
[b][i]Reports of a red man roaming the dark hallways flood in and are the conversation at the bar and mess hall. People are on edge.[/i][/b]
Edited by Cyndergate: 5/11/2016 9:22:25 PM-Walks up to a Guard- I've heard of the man called the Summoner.. I have heard of his abilities to penetrate minds and fill with information... yet he can't penetrate mine, as I have the same ability, but also the ability to block it. I am the Doctor, Lord of Time. The last of the Timelords. I arrived on my ship called the Tardis. Now, may I speak with this man? I was brought here due to my Tardis sensing something dark within this ship. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]
The cringe is on point today. 50+
Edited by bludhuney: 5/11/2016 7:45:35 PMVlad wakes from what feels like a long sleep in the corner of a corridor. He looks around and suddenly feels a deep buzz of energy. He runs his hand over the rune on the back and finds that it has become more intricate. He stands and sees a door not too far away from him. He opens it, and the room is dark. He hears footsteps approaching him and he enters the room quickly yet quietly. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]
Garuud woke up in a cell. "Whoa roomy" He said to himself. *childish voice* [b]"Its better than out apartment... only by a little though. Less cockroaches."[/b] *mature voice* [i]"That's the spirit!"[/i]
*wakes up in a prison cell, startled* Where am I? *gets up and walks around*
[b]A strong Psyker presence was felt through the whole Bloodwrath. Yet it gave off a emotion of Calm,Then it quickly changed to Despair.[/b] A Chaos Sorcerer of Tzneetch,Lord of Change was within The Bloodwrath. The Sorcerer walked within the Bloodwrath,eventually making it to the Main Quarters. As if by Telepathy the Sorcerer greeted anyone in the Quarters. [i]Ah yes Hello,I am not a threat so please do not harm me. My name is Feryun. I seek someone within this ship,I believe you beings call him The Summoner? If so,do let me know so I may Speak with Him,Or Her.[/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Mortar was one to kill... He had destroyed all his life.* *However, this was the first time he felt like he had to survive* Is there anyone here? I don't see anyone familiar. -
*10th Doctor shows up in TARDIS*