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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
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4/16/2016 4:35:08 PM
*Maya shudders with joy, hops up and down cracks her neck and knuckles* [b]I. Have always. Wanted. A. Mansion! LET'S start this thing![/b] *Maya thrusts her hands behind her ripping open two access points. Grabs her knives and settles into a low stance, with a gleam in her eyes* [spoiler] If you want a bit of info[/spoiler]

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  • Throwback

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  • [b]Stratos looks down at the snow.[/b] [i]I don't like snow.[/i] [b]He draws his sword from its scabbard and gives it a flick at his side. The weapon straightens and elongates into a a stave.[/b] [i]Ok let's do this.[/i] [b]He brings the staff in front of him and holds it in a defensive stance. Two massive blades shoot out from the ends.[/b]

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  • *does a sideways backwards somersault to show off. And throws her two knives. The instant they leave her hand she has two more ready. Each blade leaves a smoky trail behind it. Continuous throwing leaves part of the arena hazy.*

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  • Edited by Stratos: 4/16/2016 7:51:19 PM
    [b]Stratos whips a hand in front of him, and a wall of metal shoots out of the ground. He runs and leaps over the wall, flying into the air high above your head. The wall trails him upwards, following the tip of his spear.[/b] [b]Suddenly the metal explodes into a fiery burst and sends Stratos rocketing downwards towards you.[/b]

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  • *Maya smirks and disappears with a [i]whump[/i]. Shadowy smoke replacing her location. She reappears above you with a bow in hand. As she falls she notches three arrows and lets fly* [b]Didn't anyone tell you that a woman always wins fights?[/b]

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  • [b]Stratos smashes into the ground. The sound of your voice alerts him to your position, and he reacts by pulling another wall form the ground, this one curling like a wave over its summoner[/b] [i]Will you please stand still? I usually don't have to do this so early...[/i] [b]Stratos drives his spear into wall and you watch as the metal seeps into the weapon. A few seconds later he pulls it out. The spear is much larger now, covered in strange tubes and spikes. [/b] [i]And can you cut out the sass? Sass gets people killed.[/i] [b]The tubes on the weapon begin spitting fire, and you soon realize the spear is more of a jet engine with pointy bits attached as a loud roar drowns out Stratos' voice.[/b]

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  • [b]You're literally trying to get me to drop the parts of me that I am defined by[/b] *Maya gleefully puts a sad tone in her voice as she falls and pulls open an access point and allows the smoky shadows within to form her own wall. She rides it down upon Stratos. Shoving a spear through a small hole she formed in her wall. It juts down menacingly Her voice changes to a more straightforward tone* [b]I won't have it.[/b]

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  • [i]What? I can't hear you over my awesome spear![/i] [b]However all you here is the sound of the spear-jet thing. You see a crazed look warm over Stratos' face as he grips the spear and flies towards you at incredible speed.[/b]

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  • [spoiler]Reply speed warning! Come on man, don't make her wait 3 hours![/spoiler]

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  • 1

    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]I'd ask to do that to Steve too... But I'm a little busy and may take a few hours out of my hands[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Well you were gone all day yesterday so Twig(Steve) is probably sleeping [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Doos: 4/17/2016 2:34:02 AM
    *can't actually see anything because still free falling on top of a physical shadow wall. Maya hears the jets coming closer than her falling speed would allow. She fears the worst and rolls off her wall and skydives like a pencil, spear in hand. She brings her feet around as she passes by Stratos. The flames coming off his spear quickly ignite upon her clothing* [b]HOT HOT HOT HOT YOWIE![/b] *Maya quickly consumes her form with shadows to suffocate the flames. Lands crouched feet first on the mansions roof and plummets through. You hear more cluttering. Crashes. Yelps. The door rattles and slams open. Maya's hair is frizzy from the dry heat of the scorching. She quickly whips a brush from an access points. Rips it through her hair. She stomps over spear in hand*

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  • [b]Without hesitation, Stratos lands and rockets back towards you.[/b]

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  • *Maya brings her bow back out. Pulls back and lets fly a trio of arrows at his incoming form* [b]Going a little fast aren't you?[/b]

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  • [b]Stratos jumps away, leaving the spear on its rocketing course. The blade of the spear blooms into a blossom of dangerous spikes, all of which are red hot.[/b]

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  • *Maya curses as the spear pentrates her flimsy shield extending from her vambrace. It cuts deep into her left side, grazing her. She grunts and stumbles. She regains her footing with her own spear in hand. She rips above her forehead. And tears a shadow mask down over her face. You see a near formless black covering her features.* [b]Let's get a bit more serious eh?[/b] *Maya throws the spear hard and fast. She brings up her bow and starts a near endless continuous firing. During this, she seems to be chanting, or rather praying. Above the field dark swirls begin to gather. Numbering at about a dozen.*

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  • [i]Let's turn up the heat...[/i] [b]Stratos reacts by pulling more metal from the ground. He grips the wall and jumps, bringing the metal with him. The substance begins to flow, molten hot, like silk curtains used by dancers. He spins, and the metal flows wrap around him. Some arrows manage to slip through his wall and cut at his synthetic skin and dent his core. As he falls out of his leap, he unwraps himself and flings the flows wide, prepared to catch you.[/b]

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  • *at that moment, Maya slams her bow down which explodes into a small poof. She gives a loud screaming yell and the dark swirls in the sky open wide. Javelins made from hardened shadows from her dimension thrust downward. Each pointed at the general direction of Stratos. During their lightning fast descent you hear a slight [i]whump[/i].* [spoiler]good timing. I just came back to re read what bit of fight we've had and your reply showed up right then. Haha[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Stratos continues in his descent, slamming into you. The ribbons of molten metal stick to you, and Stratos twirls raising you up above his head as a shield to your own attack. [/b]

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  • Edited by Doos: 4/17/2016 9:46:40 PM
    [spoiler]sorry.. I should've specified [b][i]whump[/i][/b] means that my mass has been displaced. As in I teleport via my shadow realm. But I'll go with it![/spoiler] [b]Ha! As if my darling shadows would hurt me.[/b] *Maya spreads her arms wide and smiles. The javelins dissipate into clouds of shadows instead. She disappears from your hands. The shadows spread through the arena and make it nearly hard to see. Ten dark forms walk up twenty feet away from you encircling you* [b]One of you. One of me. But which one is me?[/b] [spoiler]i can only use ten clones. Can't remake the clones til the turn after the last one is destroyed. They do minimal damage and are destroyed easily.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Stratos slams his molten ribbons into the ground, creating another shield, obscuring your views. The spear rockets out of the mansion and into Stratos's hands. Unseen to you the spear melts into a massive sword boasting two blades running parallel to each other.[/b] [i]That's of no concern.[/i] [b]Stratos drives the blade into the ground, and a lightning bolt from an unseen cloud rips across the sky, briefly illuminating the battlefield. The bolt strikes the mass of metal Stratos hides in, causing it to explode into a mass of razor sharp shards which riddle the surrounding area.[/b]

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  • *You hear a yelp, followed immediately by a double [i]whump[/i]. Then another shriek. Maya Sundaresh had attempted to get out of the way but was pierced by shrapnel once before teleporting and once after when she reappeared right in the path of a last shard. The clones are gone.* [b]My Shihan always said metal never belongs inside muscle.. Now I can understand that sentiment. Again.[/b] *Maya crouches down and slams her fist into the ground. Grabs ahold of an access point and stands up, then leaning far back. A massive tear between the dimensions open. She releases a massive amount of thick, tangible shadows that attempt to bog you down. With that she steps in through her own portal. (Unbeknownst to you she returns again about 400 feet in the air. Falling down with her mask still covering her face. Featureless.)

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  • [b]Stratos desperately searches for you while hopelessly attempting to chop away the shadow goop.[/b]

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  • *You hear a screaming whistle from Maya's free fall above you. Another spear is in her hand. And a spiked shield that looks like it belongs in a museum. (Probably came from one. She might've gone and stole it from somewhere before coming back) the shadow [i]slop[/i] retreats at Maya's advancement*

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  • [b]Stratos reacts by shoving the sword into the ground once more, calling another bolt from the sky. It travels through you and connects with the ground[/b]

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