Think about it. The exotics get nerfed more and more as time goes on, and Xur is the easiest way to get exotics so his are the most common ones. Have you also realized that past year exotics can't be infused? Well I have a theory. You see, the Darkness are stopped by new and new weapons made to fit their current difficulties or dark level, helped by people who study the Darkness like Gunsmith who experiments new weapons. So basically Xur sells his OWN weapons so my theory is the Nine or whatever make all the exotic weapons that have great capabilities at first but then over time they rust and get nerfed more and more!
This may be why then! They want to wait until the standart weapons become so useless because of the growing power of the Darkness that the Guardians will have no choice but to use Exotics but now they'll be intentionally bad even though they can stop the Darkness because they are made by the Darkness (Xur). Also, have you realized that soon after there's a peak of exotic weapon usage in PVP, some/the classes are nerfed? This may be because they're supposed to! They nerf your ennemy over time! It's a secret way to make the Guardians weaker as well to advance the Darkness! This is crazy!
OK so guys, stop buying from that darth xur and use standart weapons! Make sure to tell the Vanguard what you know about them! The Guardians will NOT stand for this! THIS IS A TRICK! A HUGE TRICK! Never use exotics again! They are only made to fool you, which brings me to my next point!
Who agrees?
Edited by Guardian3037: 10/19/2016 3:34:39 PMI think we need to see who they are first
Cool conspiracy theory, but all Bungie can do is nerf exotics, because they are to good, and that's why their exotics
Didn't he free Skolas?
Seems an interesting theory, cant say i really thought about it. Xur is bad though since he is responsible for skolas's escape so yeah...
Well, not saying Xur isn't a bad guy hidden among us, though I'm not sure I buy into the rest. However, he's not the chief agent of Oryx among us; Zavala holds that title. Consider the following: * Cayde felt the need to sneak around him when planning the stealth mission on the Dreadnought. That suggests distrust on his part. Maybe he thinks Zavala would oppose his efforts because he's secretly working for Ol' Hammerhead. * When he found out about the Guardian on the Dreadnought, the first thing he did was explode at Cayde. Suggests that indeed, he didn't want the thing to happen. Then, he caught himself and fell in behind the plan: wouldn't do to expose his actual agenda. * Repeatedly, he has exhorted us to smash the Cabal presence on the Dreadnought, rather than try to arrange a cease-fire or at least avoid them. Oyrx has two enemies on his ship, and it is in his best interest that they waste time, ammo, and lives shooting at each other rather than devote their energies to killing Hive and Taken.
Yes Everytime i get an exotic it took me ages to collect he sells it the next week only someone with an evil heart would do that
He's sells vanguard illegal weapons, wears a hood, occasionally locks himself in the dark room in the reef and never shows his face.
He is actually a garabage collecter He told me this himself while I was getting my toc's Thought that was interesting