It's simple, really.
Open NAT, Port Forwarded, Wired connection at 17mbps, and I can only get about 25 minutes worth of gameplay before getting disconnected. Prison of Elders, Nightfalls, continuous Heroic Strikes, I can play NOTHING.
I've suffered with this since the game was even released in 2014. 2 years later and it's the same story.
I use one router, I get Weasel. I use another and I get Caterpillar.
And before I'm told again, I know Weasel is grouped under Centipede to help give more precise guidance, and at this point, the Network Troubleshooting Guide is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
There's an EXTREME lack of guidance on how to fix these issues once you've done the obvious network maintenance. Fair enough, you deal with a lot of stuff which is fine, but after 2 years, I've had enough and really want to know SPECIFICALLY what the hell is actually causing these particular errors. I kind of expect to be able to play a game once I've bought it.
Have you tried clearing your console's cache and power cycling your console? You can power cycle your console by holding down the power button until the console resets.