Well despite the images we all see of the crazy merc with a mouth. On the disgusting burnt insides we have a horribly depressed and sad man. Who's last wish is to be able to die and get this all over with. Deadpool has to be the, or at least one of, the most depressing comic book characters ever created.
[spoiler]Juan lyke meens Durdpoo haz wun smeele :)[/spoiler]
Second incredibly sad moment from Deadpool. He refers to himself as Pagliacci the clown.
relevant maybe not really
The saddest thing about deadpool? He's the ugliest mofo in existence and he still gets more pussy than you. [spoiler]"you" is subjective to whomever is reading the above phrase. Yes....i do in fact realize that this includes me.[/spoiler]
If I were to start reading deal old comics where should i start?
The saddest in my opinion would be Dr. Manhattan.
His body is also basically composed of pure cancer. He's #OffTopic personified.
I never liked him much as a character anyways.
At his core, perhaps, but I also think many other characters in comics fight with their underlying depression. Just think of all the horrible things protagonists in these comics have gone through. However, one of the beautiful themes about these heroes or amazing beings is that, despite how difficult the challenges they face are, they always overcome the odds in the end. I'd count depression as one of those challenges they face. There's no denying they live with these burdens, but the stories come from how they defy them.
Deadpool referenced Watchmen? My life is now complete.
In the second comic I think it's funny how a pod is dedicated to his dick
Would disagree! Many severely injured people would rather die than live in constant pain! But soldiering on is what we humans do! Doesn't make them less! In fact it makes them more impressive! Able to put aside such thoughts & carry on out of spite! ;)
I'm guessing you've never heard of guts before now that's a truly sad and depressing story
Edited by Sbuper: 4/14/2016 8:47:42 PMI dunno, he seems pretty jolly
I liked him now i don't
That's just one of his alter egos talking...
Dead pool was made to make fun of death stroke.
Bramd - old
I'm pretty sure that we know that -
Sounds like me
But deadpool has no emotions
Doesn't the same go for wolverine?
Deadpool has found love how is he depressed.
But it's a strange combination for deadpool being the merc with the mouth and just messing around but also having a deep emotional story
Good thing to point out about Deadpool, but you have to consider why he's like that. One he was brainwashed for a long time which makes it harder to come to terms with his past. Two you also have to consider that even he's not considered a hero is what makes him who he is because it shows that even if you have powers, doesn't make you emotionless. Deadpool is supposed to be a reflection on the human reality, in one of the marvel documentaries about him, they make this connection between an internal struggle that exists within human beings. He is the the little voice in the back of your head which will always be limbo and will never stop being in limbo until you reach a state of peace or enlightened joy. Most people think he's this crazy hero who shoots his enemies, buts hes just another person trying to find a purpose and looking for happiness which doesn't exist in common reality. The point is life sucks and thats what he acknowledge so he can find his own path to happiness.
And that his movie became the new bandwagon for everyone to hop onto
Wow. Now I'm actually depressed.