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Edited by FJFSOM656: 5/21/2016 10:01:56 PM

Titan Story Chp 29.95: The End of the Beginning

[spoiler]Warning! This contains some rather gruesome material. If you are queasy or otherwise hate violence, then skip over this[/spoiler] "You are all inferior to me. But in the end, as I said, I don't discriminate. Male, female, Exo, Awoken, stupid, brilliant, disgusting or tasty, I eat them." His free hand held up his blade. "And you will be the next." He laughed at me as more cracks began to appear on my visor, threatening to snap and break at any moment. I gritted my teeth and tensed up, waiting to see what would happen. My eyes closed and I heard the sound of fire and the sound of screams. My eyes snapped open to see what was going on, but all I could see was Tae Ken's face, utterly dumbstruck. A voice was rather static over my comms as my helmet managed to pick up the line of dialogue. "I said. Leave. Them. ALONE!!" My body relaxed as Angelica's voice rung into my ear. Tae Ken looked at her and laughed. "Well well... the morsel really does have meat to her bones." He tossed me to the side like trash and drew his blades. "Feed me then." In my pain I managed to turn and look. Angelica was bathed in golden fire, her hair a torrent of flames, her left eye bleeding out the heat of justice, and her back sprouted very large wings, dancing in fire and Light. She spawned solar grenades in her hand and chucked them, each one impacting creating a minature sun. Tae Ken rushed forward, dodging the grenades and laughing. "You should have stayed dead! That way you could have escaped with your life!" He moved with purpose and hunger. He raced forward and continuously slashed at Angelica. Angelica manged to block each blow with her hands as Solar Winds jetted forward and knocked her enemy back. He grinned at her. "You can fight now?! But for how long?! When does your Light end, little one?!" She growled and slapped him back several feet. "Until you die." He laughed and continued to race forward, keeping the pressure on her. I slowly tried to stand up and look around. Kate was still struggling to get up, her body sparking and twitching from a lack of responding. I got to my feet and pulled out my shotgun. I heard the faint cry of Charles in my ear but I couldn't think straight and my helmet was gargling the voice so I simply walked forward towards Tae Ken. As I got into range, I let a shot roar off. He stumbled a bit and whipped back to look at me as Angelica stuffed a grenade down in his face. He yelled as the Solar heat flamed in his mouth and Angelica slapped him backwards into a wall. She threw another grenade and ran over to help me. I kept my self standing as she supported me slightly, her wing draping over me to warm me. "Are you alright?!" I nodded slightly. "Yea... Fine." I aimed my sights down at the smoke where Tae Ken was. "You had enough?!" Nothing happened for several seconds as the dust started to settle. Soon I heard Tae Ken grunt and a damaged helmet was tossed away, cracking and landing in the dirt. "Fine... If you want to play with fire..." Tae Ken's sillouette appeared in the dust, raging in flames as two bright objects were near his hands. "Then burn to a crisp." He lifted his arm up and his blade appeared from the dust, pointed in a 45 degree angle and wreathed in flames. I tensed and pushed Angelica to the side. "Move..." After that I heard a dull thud and something strike my chest as I tumbled to the ground, followed by another and another. I winced as three hot spots began to burn into my armor. I looked down to see three hole in my chest. Instead I saw three bright blue ooze like things, rather small but pulsing with cursed light. My eyes widened as Angelica screamed my name and I looked at Tae Ken. He smiled at me. "Since you've bitten off more than you could chew at the table, you get to say grace for the meal." He laughed and glanced to his right as Angelica came rushing forward, grenades in hand. She yelled in anger and tried to slap him but he shadestepped away and kicked her down to the ground. She tried to stand but his foot was planted on her back a second later. She squirmed and looked up at him in anger as he simply smiled. He grabbed her wings that were fluttering and paused. He studied it for a moment then laughed. "Well, I'll guess I'll start with a wing!!" He grasped it and tugged brutally. Angelica screamed in agony as her wing was viciously ripped from her body and tossed to the side. He laughed at her suffering. "Your lights so condensed you can manifest real wings?! I'm impressed! Let's see what else is edible! How about a leg!?" He stomped on the back of her left knee repeatedly and twisted it to a strange angle. "HOW ABOUT YOUR HANDS?!" He stamped on her left hand swiftly. "OR BETTER YET WE SHOULD SKIN IT FIRST!" He slashed his blade along her back several times. "HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR FOOD?! I PREFER IT BURNT!" He jammed his flaming blade into her left arm once again. "LET'S BRAND YOU! GIVE YOU THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF APPROVAL!" He laughed like a mad man during all of this as Angelica screamed in pain. She squirmed and fought but his grip was too strong. My body flooded with rage once again as I tried to get up but the glowing orbs suddenly began to pulse brighter like a grenade. They exploded and the pain seared into my skin. I cried out and fell on my side, staring helplessly at the slaughter before me. "YOU INFERIOR ANIMAL!! STOP SQUIRMING AND DIE!! JUST DIE!! HAHAHA! DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!" He suddenly stopped and looked straight up. "No... NO!!" A large Taken portal had appeared and was humming with power. "I WON'T GO BACK!! I HAVE THEM!! I HAVE THEM!! THEY ARE MY FEAST!!!" He screamed in rage as he was sucked up in a flash and the portal closed, bathing the room in sudden silence. I looked at Angelica. She twitched in agony and the occasional choked sound could be heard from her. I slowly held my hand up and tried to reach for her but the pain caused me to fall over again. My mind started to fade as I saw a streak of white pass over my screen several times, screaming something. I was rolled onto my back after a while as a bright blue Titan tried to heal me, pointing and yelling in random directions. I saw a thin kid with one arm out of the corner of my screen as the words "STATUS: CRITICAL" flashed on my HUD. I drew in my last breath and darkness took me over. His laughter still ringing in my ear like a bell, a bell tolled for me. link to chapter 29.9 link to chapter 30

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