[i] *puts on an antic disposition* [/i]
I've been hiding this for a while but... I feel it's time to reveal the truth. I'm going to tell you guys first, then my family.
I'm... political-fluid.
Some days I'm Liberal, other days I'm Conservative. I am not bound by your cut-and-dry political constraints. My views vary, and I'm not ashamed of it anymore.
Since you may not know what to define me as one day to the next, you can always use the general term for people like me:
Bernie 2016.
Wow, you are an inspirational success story. I am proud of your coming out Mr. Goverkin
So you're normal ._. Most people agree with things from both sides of the spectrum
I'm just against all of our current candidates. I refuse to align myself with any of the morons currently running
Why should we care? Just because you are in between political party's doesn't mean your better then us!
[i] *puts on an antic disposition* [/i] Bump
Edited by nallimokmok: 4/10/2016 11:04:19 AMIs your answer to every political question "i love it and i despice it"?
Brava brava
*throws flowers on stage*
Where is your bias ?
Lol me too
I find myself having conflicting views on things!
Ok then
Edited by Gortimer: 4/10/2016 6:23:00 AMIts okay,come here.. *caresses in my arms*