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Edited by FJFSOM656: 4/10/2016 10:53:51 PM

Titan Story Chp 29.6: The End of the Beginning

Tae Ken's entire body was wreathed in pale flames as he angrily looked at Rex. "You will not stop me from devouring you... I have destroyed countless enemies, all of them stronger than you! Roll over and die already!!" He ripped his blades in half and took a fighting stance. The pale flames shifted to blue crackling energy as he began to pulse like a generator. Res simply growled. His right arm contracted slightly and began to glow like heated metal. His left arm turned a pale white and flames danced on his fingertips. His mouth made a grin and cackled as the white ooze began to pool from his maw and a new voice came forth. It was more sinister and higher than the voice before and jittered slightly. "Then try and catch us big boy!" Tae Ken tensed slightly and rushed forwar, arc energy flowing into his blades. Sparks flew as Rex parried each strike with his right arm, letting his left hand flex slightly and a torrent of pale flames came forth. The two continued to fight fiercely as more enemies began to spawn. Angelica and Kate made it closer to me as they fought back. "You all right?!" I asked as I picked off a Shadow Thrall that was hassling Natasha across the way. "Y... yea..." Kate looked rather shaken and disturbed but tried to keep a straight face as she fought off enemies. Her Ghost, Damien, appeared near her. "She's going into a relapse. Something has triggered bae's old files." "Is there anyway we can help?" Angelica asked, aiming down sights. "Besides get her and Rexxy boy out of here, no. But sadly I doubt my cuz is ready to go anywhere." Damien glanced over at the two fighters. "They seem caught up in a dominance match." I grunted and punched a thrall. "I don't know how much longer either of them can hold out." Angelica nodded slightly. "We may need some help..." "Communications are down." Damien replied. "There's nothing outside of the local armor that I can connect to." Charles poked his shell out of my pocket. "Well maybe we should, ya know... LEAVE." "No..." Kate looked coldly at Charles. "I'm not leaving Rexxy..." Charles quickly ducked back in my pocket. "Ok ok!..." "We aren't leaving but we need help with this." I glanced back the way we came. "We need to move quickly and find someone. The Wolf Pack might still be around." "And if they aren't?..." Angelica asked. "Then we need to run for it." "We can't leave Rexxy behind!" Kate shouted as she knifed an Acolyte. "Something could happen!" "But we could die!" Charles yelled as he spoke in a muffled voice over the comms. "She won't leave without em." Damien spun his shell. "There's no way we leave family behind." I simply nodded. Angelica nodded as well. "So what do we do?" "We need to go help Rexxy! He could use the..." A piercing scream cut Kate off as she spun around to look. Rex was standing still as Tae Ken's blades were through his torso. His lights flickered slightly as his movements began to jerk and flutter slightly. Tae Ken placed his foot forward and kicked Rex off, sending him sprawling to the ground, unable to move. "REXXY!!" Kate yelled loudly. She started towards Tae Ken but he simply stepped forward and swung, blinking several times across the room towards Natasha, who was still fighting off the Taken Wizard. "Watch!.." I started to say but I was too late. Natasha started to turn around but he was there, taking two quick swipes with his blades, shredding the hadronic material comprising her robes. Natasha yelled and fell to the ground as he stood over her. Tae Ken laughed and stepped on her torso, lifting his blades up to finish her off as the Arc energy died around him. I aimed down sights to hit but Tae Ken was forced off by a suddenly visible Laurentine. They tumbled to the ground with a thud as they tried to gain superiority over the other. Kate quickly raced over to Rex while I ran to Laurentine. Natasha quickly began to back away, looking terrified as she shuffled across the ground away from the fight. Tae Ken and Laurentine rolled around the ground fighting to gain the upper hand. Laurentine struggled to keep Tae Ken's blades from hitting him as Tae Ken managed to roll to where he was above. "Nice try little one. My girls will love you as an appetizer." He lifted his blades up and brought them down swiftly onto Laurentine's left arm. Laurentine screamed loudly as Sapphire Wire snapped, flesh ripped and bone cracked. I rushed forward and managed to ram Tae Ken in the side, forcing him off as he tumbled away and shadestepped to a stand. I glanced down at Laurentine as liquid made the dirt a deeper color that helped grow a thin frail flower in the shape on an arm. He cried out in pain and held what little stubble of his shoulder remained. I quickly scooped down and picked him up as Tae Ken began moving forward to us. "What's the matter, little light? Did I hurt you?... I'm sorry, I meant to hit your neck." His head snapped to the side as the grin permeated the veil covering his mouth. I began backing up as a streak of bright red zoomed forward and slammed into Tae Ken's face. "HOW DARE YOU HURT HIM!" James, Laurentine's Ghost shouted. "YOU MONSTROSITY!!" Tae Ken grabbed the Ghost and slashed his blade across his shell and chucked him at me. "Stay down filth." James slapped onto my chest and fell in Laurentine's lap, sparking badly and stuttering lines. Laurentine choked out another cry and held James close. I moved back further as Tae Ken advanced. "Why save the corpse? It will bleed out and give life to new things." He kicked Laurentine's dismembered arm as he walked by. "Such as my darling children." He raked one blade along the edge of another in emphasis. I continued to back up and shield Laurentine further when a flash of green and multicolored lights streaked passed me. Rex, long forgetting his hand cannons, raced forward and attacked Tae Ken head on and another parrying battle ensued. I took this as an opportunity and raced my friend back to the entrance. I set him gently down and examined his stump. It was bleeding badly and I couldn't tell what color was his blood as mixtures of red, blue and black were staining his armor. He whimpered and held James close to him. "He's bleeding out..." Charles said, scanning Laurentine briefly. "It needs to be stopped." "How?!..." I said frantically. "Unless we have magical surgery powers I seriously doubt we can!" I paused and thought briefly. I pulled out my shotgun and fired of a shell. "This will sting buddy." I jabbed the hot barrel into the wound and cauterized it. Laurentine screamed out again in pain as his body lurched. I tensed in anger but kept myself under control. "Laurentine! Laurentine listen to me!" He tried to hold back his wails as he looked dead at me. I couldn't see his expression but I could he wasn't happy. I leaned in close and grasped his good shoulder. "Listen, we need help. Go get someone! And if they have a medic then they can patch you up at the same time. Can you do that?" He nodded slightly as his body was overtaken with shivers as he tried to stand up. I helped him up and got him facing the right direction. "Don't stop. Keep running and call for help. We are counting on you." He said something but it was lost in his crying as he stumbled forward, partially turning invisible as he went. I quickly turned back around and raced back to the others when Natasha rammed past me, crying and babbling nonsense as she tore off after Laurentine. "Natasha! Where are you..." Kate's scream made me snap back to the fight as I ran back. Tae Ken had Kate by the throat, holding her hostage against Angelica and Rex. The Taken enemies had mysterious vanished but roars down the hallway suggested they were following Laurentine and Natasha. Tae Ken held his blade to Kate's throat. "Careful now, before I really get in the mood to make things messy." link to chapter 29.3 link to chapter 29.9

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