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originally posted in: Stop Nerfing. You're killing PVE
Edited by Mar: 4/6/2016 8:10:48 PM

the mida thing, idk never used the weapon. but making it less of a crutch for people isn't a "bad" thing. im sure its still going to be usable, and honeslty i never saw many people using it in PvE to begin with but that is just me. but it was RAMPANT in PvP, that needed to be delt with just like thorn towards the end of year 1, we'll have to wait and see if it is still decent, so untill then i'd just suggest saving judgment on the "nerf". the other weapons didn't receive anything that would ruin them in PvE so they should all be fine regardless. and i honestly don't recall them saying it was across the board, but i might of just not heard that. can't clarify till they release the notes about the update so i guess we'll have to see about that later.

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