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Edited by AstroParadox: 4/5/2016 9:13:49 PM

Stop Nerfing. You're killing PVE

Warlocks do not need a nerf. I garuntee SunSinger will be shit in PVE because everyone cries in pvp. Bungie is going cater to all those crying little twats in pvp and ultimately kill this class in terms of PVE making warlocks useless. Like everything else they nerf, it becomes trash in PVE. Destiny isn't solely pvp. You guys need to realize PVE players suffer due to the nerfs. You guys have already killed titans. You already killed hunters. Sunbreaker and BladeDancer are trash. No more nerfs.

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  • I was thinking about coming back for the April 12 update. After watching the stream and seeing the big "fuk off" Bungo gave to PvE, I'm sad to say that my legend ends here. Bungo is doing a much better job of killing Destiny than any other game.

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    5 Replies
    • well the first step in being taken seriously is spelling [b]guarantee[/b] right

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      3 Replies
      • It's obvious who they care about, when most of the stream was about PVP leveling. Just sick of the nerfs, which are usually because of PVP.

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      • Bump

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      • Lol, look at all these salt queens. No offence, but if you can't adjust to a little nerf, you suck and should probably play sky landers or something.

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      • F@#% Another Stupid nerf based on PVP. I never buy this game for PVP. But they keep destroying the game for PVP. I will just play PVE after the nerf if it garbage I will stop playing at all and never buy the Destiny 2. Or another Destiny if the are not separate PVP from PVE.

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        7 Replies
        • [quote]Warlocks do not need a nerf.[/quote] Stopped reading right there

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          • Shame a pve based game is dictated to by pvp

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          • I mean I don't understand why they couldn't tone down the touch of flame + Viking funeral a bit.

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          • Your right bungie need to stop. There should at least have some sort of debuff for supers only in crucible

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          • They should just separate PVE and PVP and make changes that way. I understand your cry for help though.

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          • Bump

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          • Its just lazy design plain and simple

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            1 Reply
            • My biggest complaint is the ammo nerf. There is no reason to do that. Don't want people stockpiling ammo in Crucible? change the crates respawn timers, places, etc.

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            • I agree that some off the changes they are doing will possible have an effect on PvE. Here are two examples; 1) Increasing the res-time from 5 to 7 seconds, then in increments of 7 (eg 7, 14, 21seconds.......). What if it applies while patrolling (will I have to wait 7 sec to res?) or in under levelled strikes. 2) After a res the over-shield is going to be nuffed so it provides less defence, you have to stand closer so that you can res and res-ing will take longer (unless you have some exotic that lets you res faster). I got the impression from the stream that these changes were with Trials [i]mainly[/i] in mind. I like to play both PvP and PvE and am interested into how these changes actually effect the game as a whole.

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            • They could literally remove every ability on the tree besides fireborn, and it's still be a good pve class. That said, who the hell uses Viking funeral in PvE?

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              19 Replies
              • I posted this in another thread, I'll post it here too. Just my opinion. My biggest issue is with the sniper rifle change, from a PvE player's perspective. I should start by saying I don't even play Destiny anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't have fun following it and seeing how it evolves. I played it for a long time for many hours. Snipers are pretty much the primary source of DPS in PvE. There's no more Gjallarhorn, and unless it's a fight with specific mechanics that don't really require sustained weapon DPS (like staggering Oryx and damaging him with blight bomb detonations, for example) sniper rifles are your best source of constant and high DPS. Nerfing the amount of ammo you can carry is a big hit to overall DPS. They claimed to have offset that by increasing the amount of special ammo that will drop off enemies, but that is only good when you don't need to sustain DPS. On fights like Golgoroth or Warpriest, you could easily pop an ammo synth and drain through that whole magazine in one DPS phase. Now, each ammo synth effectively grants you less ammo and thus less DPS. I'm not saying this because it absolutely ruins PvE, players will adapt and bosses aren't all that tough to begin with, I'm just illustrating the effect of PvP nerfs on PvE encounters. It has to stop. The game can't continue to be balanced around PvP. Most of the changes they mentioned in the stream today impact the PvE world in a negative way, from lesser flame shield absorption, to MIDA high caliber round removal, to lower sniper stability and ammo capacity. It was very nice that they increased the reload speed of Kingsfall primary weapons, but sadly those aren't the primary source of meaningful DPS. Primaries are used to kill thrall, acolytes. The Hung Jury does a mighty fine job of that already. Snipers, Machine guns are a big deal in end game PvE activities, and both got hit with snipers being hit the hardest. Makes me shake my head that they continue to fail at finding a balance between both PvP and PvE activities. Especially when PvE activities are really where you want to feel powerful. There's no down side to players feeling buffed in PvE. There certainly is a down side to continuing to make their characters feel enfeebled.

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                4 Replies
                • Edited by RANGERX117: 4/6/2016 8:29:34 PM
                  Over all this was a nerf update. MIDA is now dead as a PVE weapon. The stagger is gone because of PVP.....simply fact. Bungie has really f'ed this one up. Why in the hell is one game mode allowed to cause headach to the other is beyond me. None of the nerf's in this update had to do with PVE play data that I can tell yet all the nerf's have a negative PVE effect. This is the single biggest weird management decision that Bungie continually makes. An inability or unwillingness to separate PVE and PVP.

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                • Edited by Dooodley: 4/6/2016 8:17:46 PM
                  I liked how Deej asked the question regarding keeping PvP and PvE separate. Then it just went back to the normal excuses so it didnt result in anything. A good deal of games have individual PvP tweaks, to make sure that an ability will be useful there or because it would otherwise require a nerf - a nerf that would hit PvE hard. It is crucial to do these individual tweaks. I get that it would require a complete overhaul of the current system - and I hope that they've changed the way they are allowed to tweak things in destiny 2 - so I dont expect any changes in this Destiny BUT it would be freaking awesome if they could come out and say it instead of coming up with these ridiculous excuses. Look, if the players can deal with an ability being an off-taunt in PvE and a DCD in PvP - which are completely different abilties - in games such as swtor then I'm pretty sure that the Destiny players can deal with a small tweak to RoF or DoT duration. Lastly, one thing that really stod out is sniper reserves. Do they even play this game? They just brush it off with "well green ammo will drop more frequently in in PvE". That's it. Nevermind the fact that it will undoubtedly affect both the warpriest and Golgoroth in the current raid. I'm not saying that the raid is hard or that having to compromise your position to pick up ammo more frequently is a huge obstacle but you can't deny that it will affect the way we play the game.

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                  • I AGREE! It was absolutely preposterous when people started calling for the warlocks, specifically storm caller, to be nerfed after the Titans were. At first it was just a joke. Then people seized on it. I'm at the point of saying I'm almost wish they brought back every subclass that has ever been nerfed in this game back to its original state. The way so many classes have been nerfed it feels like if they all were changed back everyone would be powerful. I'm sorry, though, but the storm caller nerf is ridiculous. Titans and hunters rah have supers than can destroy or go right through Titan shields (two Titan subclasses, all three for hunters, with two Hunter and two Rutan subclasses able to pop them). Warlocks now have one. Stormcaller was only able to do it by using a specific perk, and worse still, warlocks were restricted from using their grenades and melees if they wanted to have their super last longer. That's a HUGE disadvantage until they can actually launch their super, and once launched it was never as indestructible as the hunters original blade dancer or the titan's original hammer. People get too whiney because they suck (and don't get me wrong, I suck at PvP) and want everything handed to them. Here's a solution- get better or stop playing PvP!

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                  • 2
                    Agree but players want this to be a pvp game so badly even though it really is a pve game. Eso has the same problem.

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                  • Edited by Walrus Walter: 4/6/2016 7:58:34 PM
                    No weapon had its base damage nerfed beside bullet hoses and last word, and last word is a PvP weapon. And warlock's were barley touched

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                    3 Replies
                    • What they need to do is rebalance old classes to make them more viable in pve. Only defenders and nightstalkers are considered valuable in the raid. I mean when was the last time you saw a voidwalker, striker or blade dancer in pve when it wasn't someone messing about.

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                      7 Replies
                      • They didn't nerf it calm the f*** down

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                        • so true

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                        • Bump

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