Warlocks do not need a nerf. I garuntee SunSinger will be shit in PVE because everyone cries in pvp. Bungie is going cater to all those crying little twats in pvp and ultimately kill this class in terms of PVE making warlocks useless. Like everything else they nerf, it becomes trash in PVE. Destiny isn't solely pvp. You guys need to realize PVE players suffer due to the nerfs. You guys have already killed titans. You already killed hunters. Sunbreaker and BladeDancer are trash. No more nerfs.
MDGA - old
Sonic boom bump -
All pve content is too easy anyway! Anything to make it more challenging is a good thing :D
I can't comprehend how PvE can be so neglected. If I wanted PvP I'd go play one of the MANY games that do it 1000x better... Now get back to PvE since yaknow, Destiny is rather unique in this aspect
They are PvP updates noob.
I like nerf guns :)
At least I'm not getting nerfed
Nerf infinity...and beyond!
Definitely hit PVE hard. Less ammo, longer revives, have to be closer, sunsinger shield nerfed in BOTH strength AND frequency? Ugh.
How does decreased Radiance duration with Fireborn hurt PvE? Nobody uses Fireborn and cares how long their Radiance lasts. In fact, shorter duration might be better because it's less time before you can start charging your next free life.
Bungie doesn't care for us PVE players.
I know right. Pvp is practice mode for pve. But little crying pvp players have a tantrum and shit gets changed. Since when did tantrums get anything?
Bungie doesn't care about PvE, they know PvP is what keeps players for the long haul. Once players complete PvE content they get bored of it, but PvP is always different because of the human element.
Who cares about PVE? There nerfs don't even effect PVE cuz it's hella easy anyways
Edited by x___ICHI___X: 4/6/2016 5:41:21 AMDude face it Bungie gives two shits about pve. Pvp built the company and pvp gonna keep it going..... that's why they gave them custom matches.....oh they still haven't done that yet have they.... That's why they fixed the lag problem with dedicated servers.....oh they still haven't done that as well.... That's why they have the best balance out of any game.....oh weapons and classes are still imbalanced as hell...shit... That's why they.....what.....If they let pve slide to the current stale state and pvp has been left in total disrepair wtf has bungie been doing. So pvp is broken, pve long forgotten. ....wtf is bungie doing.......shit I know what happened ......someone bought them all subscriptions to brazzers and they have tired their arms out so they can't code. Who knows wtf bungie is doing but with that many employees and the current state of the game and total lack of updates from ttk launch till april......someone is seriously dropping the ball. Damn it Deej wrong type of balls those don't go in your mouth. Spit that out now. Face it the good talent that made halo great left the company awhile ago. Now you got a company filled with new hires and no direction. Poor Deej in the basement holding on to his red stappler. Just muttering to himself "That's my stappler, I'll burn this mother blaming place to the ground"......poor Deej he doesn't know who to blow anymore to keep his job....
No one gives a flying shit about PvE
Ultimately in order to make both worlds happy Bungie is going to have to separate the two for balancing. The way it is right now if you change something to favor PVP it's going to hurt things in PVE etc. So you see it's kind of counterproductive. Unless of course the only goal here is to just mix~ things up in hopes to keep it fresh.
Unless they got rid of self res, no nerf could prevent sunsinger from being amazing.
Self res will always be there to overcome all that anyways or to do glitchs
Dudes! I just got a thought! They should separate pve elements from pvp! Balance them differently!
Edited by Black Howling: 4/6/2016 10:09:44 PMI asked a Kabr from the future what PVP/PVE looked like in that time. "It was like a pillow fight at a retirement home."
Edited by AlClemist: 4/6/2016 9:53:25 PMThis game was meant to be pvp anyways play cod lol
Edited by Ozamataz Buckshank: 4/6/2016 9:33:31 PMPvp crybabies always ruin everything in this -blam!-ing game. Uncharted...can't wait.
This update is clear proof bungie doesn't give a shit about its PvE crowd.
I was thinking about coming back for the April 12 update. After watching the stream and seeing the big "fuk off" Bungo gave to PvE, I'm sad to say that my legend ends here. Bungo is doing a much better job of killing Destiny than any other game.