Warlocks do not need a nerf. I garuntee SunSinger will be shit in PVE because everyone cries in pvp. Bungie is going cater to all those crying little twats in pvp and ultimately kill this class in terms of PVE making warlocks useless. Like everything else they nerf, it becomes trash in PVE. Destiny isn't solely pvp. You guys need to realize PVE players suffer due to the nerfs. You guys have already killed titans. You already killed hunters. Sunbreaker and BladeDancer are trash. No more nerfs.
Bungie, I know this is going to be hard to understand and accept, but you NEED to know this. PvE and PvP are different. Let me repeat that. PvE and PvP... are different. One more time real slow so you can follow along. PvE... and... PvP... are... DIFFERENT. Why is this so important for you to know, you ask? When you try to fix one you ruin the other. Judging by your blank expression, you don't understand what I mean. (I know this is your normal face, but it's even more blank than usual.) Well there was the Vex Mythoclast in year 1. It was godly in PvP and a beast in PvE. After it was nerfed for PvP reasons, it was hardly used in PvE except for a few diehards. Year 2 there was the Sunbreaker subclass. Yes, the Sunbreaker whose epic hammer -and-anvil super activation sound sent even the most seasoned PvPers running for dear life. This subclass and the Stormcaller became the only 2 offensive subclasses with supers that actually meant anything in PvE. Golden gun requires you to waste an exotic slot to be at all useful. Arc blade also requires an exotic to be able to kill more than 4 enemies out of 20 or so. Nova Bomb and Fist of Havoc? Lolololololololol!!! Now we can add Hammer of Sol to this list of useless though supposedly destructive supers. All this done in the name of PvP balance. There are many more examples but let's move on. This latest patch is going to claim types of weapons as its victims.Your ammo nerfs while needed in PvP are going to be very obnoxious in PvE. You attempted to remedy this by dropping more ammo but what about situations where you can only damage a boss in a certain spot. Golgoroth? Warpriest? Shade of Oryx? We will now have to use up ALL of our special and heavy ammo in 1 damage phase and be left with only primary. Unless we leave the damage buff area to grab ammo, that's about all we can do. This of course uses up precious time we could be using to bring the boss down and making these encounters even more tedious. Your KF raid already has low participation and demands really experienced players to keep 1 run from lasting 4 hours. I know you can do this since you have made several changes that affect only PvP and others that only affect PvE. You just don't quite understand that the 2 don't really relate to each other. (Example: I love my Hung Jury for PvE, but I never use it in PvP. I prefer MIDA or nlx shadow.) They play differently and loadouts change accordingly. If you are going to nerf something because it's overpowered or popular in PvP, make the changes ONLY affect PvP. TL;DR - keep PvP nerfs in PvP.
They killed PvE 7 months ago.
Bro, it ain't even that serious.
No more nurfs
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Primary PVE player that needed to hear exactly what they said to confirm my decision to walk away from any more paid content. I'll play out any free updates, but the game is now dead in my house! I own COD and could play that if I wanted PVP. I bought Destiny for PVE, I played PVP for gear and exotic bounties weapons to use in PVE. Too bad...
Edited by AMC_07: 4/7/2016 1:54:23 AMSunsingers really didn't get that bad of a nerf. So fireborn causes your super to be shorter, so what? In PvE you're not really supposed to use it unless you die. Then for the melee situation, I think flame shield granting a potential shield won't be a big difference (we'll find out though) and it sounded like the other melees were getting a buff as well to make them more appealing. And the main problem in PvP (firebolts+burn perk combo) was left alone to not break the subclass for any game mode, meaning you still have it in PvE. It does not seem as if Sunsingers got a major rework like Sunbreakers. Unless the said tweaks were a little more drastic, you should have nothing to worry about. TL;DR- Sunsingers won't be trash, the tweak it got wasn't as bad as you make it sound
You know I don't post on here for pretty much anything but raids I suck at crucible... Aren't supers supposed to be super??
Can you stop complaining ? :) https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/199350243/0/0
I honestly don't give a damn about warlocks anymore I'm more curious to see if that [u]revive nerf[/u] will affect PvE my friend does a lot and that sounds hella annoying
Apply nerfs differently (or don't nerf at all) in PVE. Remember when PVE had a shotgun buff because they were doing little damage? That same thing wasn't applied in PVP. So why should you apply the Mida Multi Tool nerf to PVE as well, if the stats you looked at are from PVP?
Edited by Stormhawk118: 4/7/2016 4:36:21 AMThis^ Crucible babies are killing the reason destiny was made
Edited by CitrusTheNile: 4/6/2016 11:37:00 PMThe tankiest class in the game were sun singers with radiant skin and a strength build to keep their over shield on as much as possible. Good bye tanks in Destiny. This is why the balancing needs to be different. In a team based PvE game there needs to be extremes i.e. tanks, buffs, CC, single target. In Destiny as it is right now we just have a bunch of mediocre subclasses trying to struggle their way through events all pretty much capable of the same thing.
Cool name Noriaki Kasai he's the best :D Buff the most things back
How are hunters dead ?
PVE is only Kingsfall so who cares.
Edited by DeusFever: 4/7/2016 3:19:27 PM[quote]Stop Nerfing. You're killing PVE[/quote]Not really killing, but definitely making PvE less fun than it should be.[quote]I garuntee SunSinger will be shit in PVE because everyone cries in pvp. [/quote]Sunsinger should only be used for self revive. Grab Tlaloc. Build up super. Don't use it until you die and someone can't revive you. You're not hurting your team because a) supers are pretty worthless in PvE anyway and b) you won't spend half the game hiding behind a rock. [quote]Bungie is going cater to all those crying little twats in pvp [/quote]PvP has balance issues. With the number of guns in the game, it will always have balance issues. The problem is sharing PvE with PvP, not "crying little twats". [quote]blah blah blah angry repetitive rhetoric blah blah blah[/quote]I do agree that making supers less "super" hurts the basic premise of the game. In PvE in particular, supers are pretty worthless.
Rant Warning To all saying "this is not a big deal, its just a small adjustment". FOOKIN WAKE UP!!! This has been going on for a year and a half. Each nerf is said to be a "small adjustment". Over time you crybabies have screwed pve players over and over again. If you wanna play pvp and your gettin killed its you're own dam fault not, Thorn or Mida, you just suck, go tell your mom. The guy who is kickin you're lilly azz can beat you no matter what gun you have or he has. You cry nerf cause you cry like a baby. STFU scrub. Now go tell you're mom that the nasty man on the forum was mean and mommy should nerf him.
It's like pve is getting more challenging. Accepted. I don't mind the changes.
[i]*Slight fusion rifle buff, inbound.*[/i] 👍💃
Sunsinger is already shit in pve anyway. The only good it is for is rezing if you die in say hard mode raids. These changes aren't going to hurt pve at all. I find it funny that people are already on here complaining and the update isn't out yet. At least give it a try before coming here to whine.
So you guys like bladedancer for PvE.....?
Round1 pve gang vs pvp gang, who win...put ur bet nw. Ladies and gentlemens.
MDGA - old
Sonic boom bump