Before you continue let me state that Infusion and transmog are two completely different features.
[quote][b]Transmogrify[/b] [i]definition[/i], to change in appearance or form.[/quote][spoiler]pretty much a "stylize" menu, kiosk or NPC allowing us to choose the armor appearance on our guardians regardless of gear the equipped. [/spoiler]
Transmogrification has been on the [b]TOP[/b] of our "[url=]community wish list[/url]" for quite some time. When will we actually get it?
I can't be the only guardian out here who would like to wear old gear while maintaining a high light level. Let's discuss how we would appreciate this feature implemented. [b]BUNGIE! We all hope you're listening to us about this![/b]
[b][i][u]HELP GET THIS TRENDING!![/u][/i][/b]
Edit 1: Over 150 comments and trending!! Keep it up guardians!
Edit 2: 250+ comments. Bungie, ya heard?!
Edit 3: Almost 400!
Edit 4: Reddit "[url=]bungieplz[/url]" has a similar thread going on too.
You worded the title so that it seems as if saying "yes" would imply that you are the only one who wants transmogrification. Plz fix