When you mention that, it makes me think that it wouldn't go well to implement. Think about the aspect of how Bungie has introduced cosmetic items, and we can either grind it or pay for it.
If they do put something like that in, I see it going towards the line of being mostly silver based, since it has a relation to cosmetics, and also added to the pool of rewards.
I think a more constructive and positive way to get this, is to recommend a way to turn rare guns and armor to legendary status so they can be infused. It would give a new meaning to customization.
Be your own Guardian lol.
Well you've mostly hit the nail squarely on its head... Remember the helmet off toggle upstate? A straight vanity/transmog system could have been a reality way back then...and even now...but you can BET it will be monetized...
Usually one of two things will happen with a company when an optional pay structure comes in. The company will either: A) Not make enough money, or extra money, to fund towards expanding the product. (Destiny in this case) This will usually result in delays, but the final product does eventually get released. Or B) Make enough money to fund future expansions. Possibly to the point of being able to have discounts here and there. Not on future installments per say, but on in game content that was optional to purchase. If the latter occurs, then we [i]could[/i] safely say that Bungie should be doing fine with its product. We also need to remember that this is the same company whom have provided a good amount of entertainment over the years, and from what I read, has always been there for their fan base the best way they can be. So coupling those statements together makes me comfortable with spending some money here and there, personally, and that's all it really comes down to. Are we, personally, comfortable with giving money to a company for a trade off on future entertainment? As you can tell, some are, and some are not.
Completely agree. And also wanted to add, your previous statement on the extra-grindey method of having any and all items be progressively upgradable green-blue-to purple, is something that could and should have been a reality long ago as well...I had really high hopes early on during the TTK reveals that infusion would have ultimately been an avenue to make any and all items legendary...
It's doable. Completely. But we, as a community, need to focus on what to add first, fix and improve second in order to make a better experience overall. The more things to do, via adding content, recycled or not, the more we are occupied while they are fixing things. The important things. We also should not constantly naysay every bad thing. Going all caps with a [quote]FIX YOUR SHIT BUNGIE[/quote] does not help either. It gets the opposite. Sure they are working, but now the focus is on something which will clearly take longer to do. That affects us as a whole. Start with a positive reinforced suggestion, and then wait. We HAVE to wait. But continue to back up that suggestion, while we wait, to reinforce it's importance. Think of a puzzle. What is easier? Adding a new piece? Or restructuring the whole thing before adding that new piece? If you do the latter to every piece you add, the final product will take longer to complete, and there is no infinite time limit either. Once time is up, it's up, and you got to put whatever you have on the table. This is what can usually lead to unfinished products, or somewhat poorly executed decisions. As long as we, as the community, are supportive and understanding to Bungie, they WILL, in time, return the favor. That's just my perspective on it all.
Well spoken.