I'm getting tired of all these nerf and complaining posts, so let's just end it here.
Edit: Thanks to all the huntards who commented here, this is basically the only good thing you did in this forum, carry on.
OPlock confirmed. I'd say something derogatory about your mother but your melee can probably reach me from where you're at.
╭☞( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭☞ \ . .\ \ \ / ╰U╯\
Edited by I Need That Head: 4/1/2016 12:44:15 AMI main Warlock, but you can still mute me fgt [spoiler]you didn't say Huntard and you're discriminating against normal hunters.[/spoiler]
Mute me please wanker.
Hey there, good lookin' ;)
Because hunters called for the first nerfs, right? [spoiler]i use all 3, sorry you're unable to do anything close to that. [/spoiler]
Im a hunter and i dot complain plz dont mute me i cri eri tim
I just made a second hunter. Mute me, bro. You brought no joy to my life anyway.
I'm a Titan but please mute anyways. Thanks
If this is an example of your logic and reasoning, mute me and both my hunters
If it means I no longer witness your dumbassity and your shallow logic that says, "All hunters whine for nerf," Do me a favor and mute my hunter to hell.
Ladies first
Now im for getting rid of nerf post and shit but tbh hunters just got a bad rep from yr1. They're better now. Give them a chance.
Here mute me, I never complain and BTW nice stereotype
Sure thing, also all classes complain, you're pretty ignorant not to realise that.
[b] [/b]
Get it
Speaking of mutes, enjoy yours.
YOU CANT MUTE ME IF I MUTE YOU FIRST [spoiler]Muted[/spoiler]
Edited by AthosEpyon: 4/1/2016 12:43:01 AM"If you're a huntard, please comment so I can mute you." This should be your title. Hunters aren't the problem, it's Huntards
I'm a hunter and the only nerf i ever asked for was to nerf Taco Tuesday. Those damn Titans blow up the only bathroom in the tower.
I main a Hunter.
I bet he's a Trump supporter too