Bramd - old
You got anything that can possibly exorcise a possession? With my dad here, I feel like he'll take my soul dementor style. -
Edited by Doos: 4/27/2016 6:18:00 PM[b]Noooooo. Sorry bud. I don't have that type of thing. [/b]
Bramd - old
Ah crap. Alright, at least give me the best booze you got. -
*hands you a plain bottle with a plain white label, unmarked* [b]Write in the name of the alcohol you crave. And then shake it up. Wait five minutes. And then you're good. [/b]
Bramd - old
Weird, but I like it. *scribbles on label "100% alcohol"* -
[b]... I've never tried that before...[/b]
Bramd - old
Pretty good, actually. *pulls an orange out of backpack* Squeeze a little of this in it, it's like nothing you've tried. -
[b]Is that so?[/b] *does as told and mocks a disgusted face*
Bramd - old
What's that for *shakes bottle harder* -
[b]IM KIDDING! STOP SHAKING THE BOTTLE![/b] *seems to be horrified and looks like Maya is expecting the worst*
Bramd - old
*stops shaking it and opens the lid* -
[spoiler]I coulda sworn I responded to this[/spoiler] *nothing happens* [b]What.. The.. -blam!-... I swear that stuff is poten-[/b] *[i]kaBOOM[/i]. The bottle explodes with glass shredding everywhere. Maya shrouded both your body and her own separately with shadows to protect from the glass shrapnel.* [b]Yep... There it is. [/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]You didn't[/spoiler] *Pauses a moment* You know what, I'll just give you some of this, see what you can do with it. *stiffly looks in his pack and pulls out a small glowing bottle. The contents are labeled: "Holy Shit"* -
*She reaches behind her and wraps her entire firearms and hands in a thick shadows. They become flexible but extremely hard. Grabs the bottle delicately and begins pouring them into shadow cups* [b]Better safe than sorry amirite?[/b]
Bramd - old
Yup. First time I saw that, had to use my Radioactive suit failsafe for the first time. -
[b]Failsafe huh? What in the world does that do?[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar's armor becomes thicker, and a mask appears over where Mortar's face is exposed. He looks more robotic than human* Cool, amirite? -
Edited by Doos: 5/2/2016 7:48:09 PM[b]More terrifying amirite? You had to use a fail safe on a measly drink.[/b] *she winks*
Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 4/27/2016 2:33:36 AM[i]The soldier appeared near the homely little set-up, a black cloak covering him, obscuring some of the details of his figure.On his back beneath the cloak, a sword and a gunmetal grey sniper rifle, at his hips, two magnums. On his left leg, a bowie knife sat fixed in a boot sheath, and on his left shoulder, a kukri's outline was visible, pushing the cloak up. On his right shoulder, a sidesaddle loaded with .50 caliber rifle rounds. What could be seen of the figure's armor was matte black, a few scrapes and scratches on the plating. Parts of two regular bandoliers could be seen over the armor. The figure's face was obscured by a mask, one that appeared rather intimidating. The lenses of the eyes had an eerie blue color to them, but the mask was all black, save for three wide gashes across the left side of the figure's face, the inside of which were bright white, made to look as if a skull was beneath the black. His threatening appearance betrayed his behavior, for he seemed very passive and calm.[/i] A lot has changed since my father was here after Wilson waged war with Perth Varcoe... Lots of new faces... [i]He gazed at her for a moment.[/i] Don't believe I've ever seen anyone here this calm and collected.
*smiles sweetly* [b]You haven't seen much of me then. You been gone a long time sir? [/b]
Since I've been here, this is the second time I've come here. Wilson informed me of this place, of my father's initial actions here, and I felt that a bit of exploring was in order. Last time I did not have a chance to socialize.
[b]Hmmm. Well. What can I get you visitor?[/b]
Thank you, but I'm quite alright. I don't need anything right now. [i]He moved to the seat, walking around the couch, and sitting down. [/i] Why set this up in a Dojo? Not to be rude, but this seems rather out of place.
Edited by Doos: 4/27/2016 2:45:22 AM[b]Placing a new table in your house would seem out of place. At first. Eventually it creates it's own niche into your home. Change is never bad in the end. And I do believe with how many participants I've had request my drinks... It's created its own niche[/b]
Don't take that the wrong way, it's definitely interesting, but in this place, with the history that has occurred here, the wars, the partying, such calm seems to be strange. It would be like placing a bed in a garage near an air compressor.