originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*An access point spilling red and black shadowy smoke opens in front of the gates of the Dojo. Maya appears dragging out a couch. A table. Another couch. And a tea set. She sits down and prepares four cups.*
[b]Fighting, fighting, fighting. What happened to the finer things in life?[/b]
[spoiler]current status. Open but must bring your own cup. Also. We're in hiding from the intruder. Because its tea/liquor time. No. Fights.
No longer hiding.
[b][i][u]But still no fights. This is peaceful relaxation time in these replies[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]
Edit: no longer hiding. Angry Assaulttron is no longer keen on fighting our tea time. Please be respectful and strike up a conversation with the guy. I'm sure we could learn a lot from each other.
[spoiler]Details on our hiding. As long as a shadow is nearby. Our group is literally untraceable.[/spoiler]
[b]Alright fine... I get it. Fighting by arguing. Conceded. BUT NO VIOLENCE.[/b]
*glares at Alex and WA-18*
[b]Prior to the tournament. Please come get your amp up teas! Any kind, all kind. We want you all to be ready![/b]
[b]I've been gone awhile.. BUT IM BACK NOW EVERYONE. So per the usual. Gotta start up some tea to bring me back in my mind set you lovely bastards[/b]
[b]Tuesdays! Makes sure and come by on Tuesday's for your Tea![/b]
[spoiler]Current exotic teas
We also have any number of drinks you can imagine.
[b]It's nice to you back. What can I do you for?[/b]
May I have a Earl Grey, please?
*She pours a massive leg of boiling water and starts dipping a handful of tea bags into the water.* [b]Hmmm. Sooo. I hear some people around these parts don't like you. What's that all about?[/b]
I may or may not have loophole my way to winning my first fight.
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/26/2016 11:12:41 PM*a solid black wolf four times the normal sticks it head in the door its wearing purple collar that has silver tag that has its name on it that reads aiyanna. black wisps float up from its body as it looks at you with its red eyes*
*Maya starts getting a little embarrassed at the staring* [b]Uhmmm.. Do you speak? Or are you lost? Or can I get you something??[/b]
-oh sorry i didn't mean to be rude my name aiyanna- *her ears droop slightly*
*Maya feels awful* [b]Noooo. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just want to make sure I didn't start offering a drink that might harm you if you weren't a conscious gal. [/b]
-of course i am im a black shuck. im way different a normal wolf i may look like one but im not.-
[b]A black shuck huh? Hmm. Never heard the name before.[/b]
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/28/2016 9:40:54 PM-Im a ghost dog from english folklore. A lot people get scared me when they see me.-
[u]Po walks in stretching.[/u] Gimme some chamomile. I'm a bit antsy right now.
*She slams a oak mug on the table and happily pours some boiling water into it. The steam wafts up with some odd but truly wonderful smells. She wraps up a bag of some herbs. Supposedly chamomile. She hands it to you* [b]Hope this makes you feel better[/b]
[u]Po drains the drink then slumps down into his seat, his demeanor much more relaxed.[/u] I haven't had much time to sit down and appreciate life. Thought I might as well take the time to relax a bit. [u]Po draws a large book out of his bag and starts to read it, absentmindedly circling sentences and marking pages.[/u]
[spoiler]Y'know, I don't know how this singly post got 500 lmao. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]cuz im a beautiful butterfly![/spoiler]
[quote][spoiler]cuz im a beautiful butterfly![/spoiler][/quote] [spoiler]lol this comment is awesome[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Lmao. [/spoiler]
[b]A voice can be heard a few feet away from you [/b] [i]It's Wednesday [/i]
*Maya grumpily pouts* [b]No one comes on Tuesdays anymore...[/b]
[i]Just make it weekly [/i]
*Sketch appears from the shadows.* "Hey Maya! I see the tea is back."
[b]Whyyyy yesss it is. How are you doing my darling kitten?[/b]
"I'm doing fine, how about you?"
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks up* Great to see this place back up