originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*An access point spilling red and black shadowy smoke opens in front of the gates of the Dojo. Maya appears dragging out a couch. A table. Another couch. And a tea set. She sits down and prepares four cups.*
[b]Fighting, fighting, fighting. What happened to the finer things in life?[/b]
[spoiler]current status. Open but must bring your own cup. Also. We're in hiding from the intruder. Because its tea/liquor time. No. Fights.
No longer hiding.
[b][i][u]But still no fights. This is peaceful relaxation time in these replies[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]
Edit: no longer hiding. Angry Assaulttron is no longer keen on fighting our tea time. Please be respectful and strike up a conversation with the guy. I'm sure we could learn a lot from each other.
[spoiler]Details on our hiding. As long as a shadow is nearby. Our group is literally untraceable.[/spoiler]
[b]Alright fine... I get it. Fighting by arguing. Conceded. BUT NO VIOLENCE.[/b]
*glares at Alex and WA-18*
[b]Prior to the tournament. Please come get your amp up teas! Any kind, all kind. We want you all to be ready![/b]
[b]I've been gone awhile.. BUT IM BACK NOW EVERYONE. So per the usual. Gotta start up some tea to bring me back in my mind set you lovely bastards[/b]
[b]Tuesdays! Makes sure and come by on Tuesday's for your Tea![/b]
[spoiler]Current exotic teas
We also have any number of drinks you can imagine.
[spoiler]my god is this gonna be a nekro bump. [/spoiler]
Holy shit, 550 replies. ... I've only ever made it to 353 ;-;
Yeahhhh. I was a huge hit if I say so myself. Though this post made it's way back whenever we had a major thing happening that I was a part of. It started to just avoid a war with an Android who I then later recruited to the Dojo. [spoiler]he was part of a enemy rp group[/spoiler]
*Sketch falls from a tree, landing in Maya's lap.* "Gah!!! Oh, hi Maya!"
[i]you hear something crawling around under the couch and you see two fluffy tails sticking out before they disappear under the couch. [/i]
*Maya shrieks at the sound which startled her. But then coos at how soft, how amazingly soft those tails appeared* [b]Helllloooo?[/b]
"Hello"says a voice back [i]a face of a cat peeks out then another they both have bright blue eyes[/i]
[b]A drunken man stumbles around.[/b] Can I have a beer?! Hm?!
*Maya laughs* [b]Come to the dying Liquid Lounge. Where the memories abide. But I won't give you anything generic as beer. You must be specific my friend[/b] [spoiler] talking about it made me miss it. So I brought it back for memories. Gonna make it anew after the reforms[/spoiler]
Guinness? Ya got that? [b]He slumps down into a chair.[/b] [spoiler]I think it would be a very successful post, especially with the new reforms.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You took my advice, didn't you? Not exactly, but you found and bumped it. I'm proud of you. [b]He pats you on the head.[/b][/spoiler]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 8/22/2016 9:21:27 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks back* Glad to be back, glad to see you back. How've you been? -
[b]Ohhh so much has happened and so much stuff I have had to deal with. But I'm hoping to show my face around the dojo more.[/b]
Bramd - old
Yeah, sounds like it. Same with me, don't have to worry about being dead... -
[b]Ya know... I think I missed that. I hear people talking about a corpse at the bottom of a lake. But I had no idea what the hell anyone was talking about[/b]
Bramd - old
Yeah, that was me. But... I'm back -
[b]Ahhhh hell yeah. Now I don't have to feel bad about missing a funeral[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar chuckles* Yeah, that's good -
[b]At least tell me there was a dope epitaph on the gravestone?[/b]
Bramd - old
Eh, it was heartfelt. Smough felt so bad for killing me he made a tombstone for me. -
[spoiler]bump for old times sake before the massive reform comes. [/spoiler]
Edited by cool cake: 5/29/2016 3:23:11 AM[i][/i]
Ah, nice to see this place again.