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Edited by Sapphire: 3/28/2016 9:02:18 PM

Dark Souls 1 & Lords of the Fallen

So..... I haven't really put much time into either of these games yet. But I feel like I might want to. DS1 was free with Xbox Gold a long while ago, and I downloaded it. I played to a little bit past the first boss, then deleted the game. I wasn't "feeling" it, and it seemed to complex for me. I [i]can[/i] still redownloading it for free though. Now, I downloaded Lords of the Fallen for free yesterday, it seems similar. I barely played it at all. Of course they aren't the same, but the games are similar. I guess I kind of want to play a game like this, but I don't know. I don't know which one I should try, and I don't even know if either one will keep my interest. I don't even know what I'm really asking here. Which one should I play? What should I expect from playing these games? Which one would be better for me? :S

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  • Lords of the Fallen is like the generic store brand that says "compare to Dark Souls". Not that there's anything wrong with that, as long as you go in knowing what you're getting, which is to say a complete knock off of lesser quality.

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  • Play Dark Souls. Lords of the Fallen was heavily inspired from Dark Souls. Lords of the Fallen is by no means a bad game but Dark Souls is better. Dark Souls may be harder than Lords of the Fallen but it's more refined. Death is fair (mostly) and combat is much more refined. Both are great but play Dark Souls first. ( * v * )

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    • It can definitely be complicated. There are stats to manage, certain weapons and armor require certain stats, what you should be doing or where you should be isn't always clear, a lot of information is either difficult or impossible to practically find within the game, summoning others for help is tricky, other players can invade you and try to kill you when it's the most inconvenient, every new enemy is its own challenge, some bosses are ridiculous to fight, and much more. I personally love the game though, and have been playing it a lot for the past few days. In general, I would recommend playing it, but I'm not so sure you'd enjoy it based on some of your posts in this thread.

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      • Heavy armour trivialises both these games.

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        • Lords of the fallen is literal trash. Play DKS.

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        • Dark Souls. I've been gaming since I could hold a controller and I've played pretty much everything under the sun, but I'd never recommend any other game over Dark Souls, it is the best game I've ever played, seriously. I've never put so much time, love, and effort into a game. It has amazing combat, an amazing world, an amazing story and lore. I love this game more than I love oxygen. Play it if you want a new hobby.

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          • Definitely dark souls, it's waaaaaaay better. LotF is like a failed attempt at creating an easy dark souls.... boring af.

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            3 Replies
            • Lords of the Fallen is sluggish and very easy compared to Dark Souls, it's also much shorter. Dark Souls 1 is the classic and extremely difficult in comparison, you'll find Lords of the Fallen more relaxing, so, you might want to start there.

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            • Edited by OJ191: 3/29/2016 4:39:10 AM
              Play Lords of the Fallen first. It's basically soulsborne series casual mode. Not that it isn't difficult, though it is probably at least a little easier than soulsborne imo, but mainly because everything is a LOT more accessible and understandable, and easier to get used to.

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              • Do Lords of the Fallen first. It's easier, from what I've heard. Dark Souls & all Soulsborne games are amazing.

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                • I'm really enjoying LOTF, I've never played Dark Souls but think I might take a stab at it after this. I've found though that once you figure out a bosses strategy they become really easy to defeat, and there is never a moment when they change it up.

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                • I'm really enjoying LOTF, I've never played Dark Souls but think I might take a stab at it after this. I've found though that once you figure out a bosses strategy they become really easy to defeat, and there is never a moment when they change it up.

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                • Lords of the Fallen is an alright game but the world is significantly smaller than Dark Souls and it has a pretty poorly put together lore IMO. It isn't bad but it doesn't have that quality feel you get with a Souls game. The bosses are more generic, there's no multiplayer aspect, the world is more shallow, and you're restricted to the only protagonist who's name escapes me as he wasn't very intriguing to begin with. Dark Souls on the other hand will immerse you in some seriously well put together level design, hidden lore and real challenges. The variety of the game keeps it fresh as there's always a different path to take or a different weapon to try. There's just something about going from the campy feel of Firelink Shrine to the dark dreary depths of Blighttown that really make you feel like you're playing a massive game. All that said, both games are more challenging than your average single player RPG and will more than likely make you rage at one point or another. I personally think it's safe to say Dark Souls is the harder game, but much of that is due to the variety of boss fights and the length in comparison to LOTF. Tl;Dr: Lords was difficult and fun but forgettable. Dark Souls is fantastic, challenging and sure to set a standard for future games of the genre you play.

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                • DS is a much better game. 10/10. LOTF since it's free 7.5/10. Had you paid for it,7/10. I have played both. The biggest problem with LOTF is the size of your toon in comparison to the world. The devs didn't quite get the perspective correct which makes the game a little off. As has been said, DS is the gold standard for 3rd person combat games. Your toon moves extremely well. Play DS and learn to parry and roll. The learning objective is to figure out how not to get hit. It'll take awhile but if you stick with it you'll learn what a lot of players have about how much fun DS can be. You get 10 save spots for 10 different toons. Experiment with your build. Learn about "strength," "dex," "quality," magic and pyro. Weapons scale with different stats. Magic scales with "int." Miracles with "fth." Your starting class means nothing. You are left to invest your stat points anyway you want. This isn't Diablo. Finally, I recommend wikidot for info. They'll explain everything. Be prepared to die. \[+]/

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                  3 Replies
                  • Dark souls is a better game by far. It has better gameplay, story and art design. Lords of the fallen is just a cheap imitation.

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                    • lol git gud

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                    • This forum is huge on Dark Souls fanboys, and you should not expect an unbiased answer from most. It sounds to me you like just hate the genre. If that is the case I recommend playing neither.

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                      12 Replies
                      • Edited by bub: 3/28/2016 9:07:17 PM
                        Dark Souls. No contest here. Expect to struggle early on, but with enough practice and patience, finish the game and be rewarded with extreme satisfaction. I'd highly recommend asking for tips and strategies online once you start, so that the complex game doesn't seem so daunting.

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                        8 Replies
                        • Dark Souls for sure

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