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Edited by FJFSOM656: 4/9/2016 12:22:38 AM

Titan Story Chp 29: The End of the Beginning

Tae Ken's voice echoed in the large arching hallways and open corridors of the Dreadnaught as I tried to keep up with the rest of the group. Natasha and Rex were leading the charge, shooting occasionally whenever they got a line of sight. Kate, Laurentine and Angelica were close behind as I pulled up the rear. We wound our way through many passages, over pits that descended into darkness, and into small holes and cracks in the wall, each time drawing us closer and closer to wherever Tae Ken was leading us. Charles poked part of his shell out of my pocket and looked up at me. "Not to sound ungrateful for the free ride but would you mind having less of a spring in your step? It's a very bouncy ride." "Not now Charles." I grunted as I focused on keeping everyone in my sights. Soon they rounded a corner and I heard shouting and jumping. I ran up to see the team hop onto black slates suspended in the air then into a hole far away from the main path. The slates hissed and vanished from view as I saw the legs of Laurentine vanish in the darkness. "S***." "Well that's a... long way across..." Charles carefully looked down into the pit. "Yep, yep not doing that." "Scan for anything we can hop on." "There's nothing there..." "There has to be!!" "Well fine!" His shell expanded slightly as he pinged a scan. "There see?! It's no... Oh... there is something there." My HUD highlighted the slates for several seconds before they dissapeared again. "Do that again." I rushed forward to the edge of the cliff and jumped, allowing my jet pack to activate. Charles whimpered a bit and pinged another scan, revealing the location of the slates. I landed on the first with ease as it phased into my view. I hopscotch across the others and dove into the hole. It stretched down into a long hallway with footprints. I tore off, listening to what I could as I ran further into the hallway. The narrowness of the walls made it impossible for any signals to be picked up but the footprints gave away where everyone went so following was no issue. I ducked into a room and my radar flashed with several sudden movements as earth was disrupted in a burrowing fashion. Charles once again whimpered and hid further in my pocket. "Worms... nasty things... let's leave..." I ignored him and followed the prints through another hole and down a hallway that opened up to a massive ravine that seemed to split the ship in half. I glanced to my left to see a ceremonial like doorway with upward flowing waterfalls and statues and to my right I saw another massive door that lead to on the other side of the cavern. "Charles anything?" "Yea ah.. More of those invisible walkways there!" He pinged and revealed a long line of the slates. I took off running again across the slates and jumped to the other side, my comms began to clear up as I heard shouting and yelling down the way. I made my way through the doorway and into what could be described as a balcony style slot in the ship. Pillars occasional obstructed the destroyed remains of the Reef fleet as well as the ring and planet of Saturn. Asteroids and debris floated by, being blocked from entering by an invisible barrier of sorts. I turned my head and down the way was the team, all being swarmed by Taken spawn with Tae Ken fighting Rex and Kate simultaneously. I pulled out my scout rifle and helped how I could from this far away as I advanced. Tae Ken looked overjoyed and having fun, blocking and dodging every attack Kate and Rex threw at him. He laughed and taunted the pair. "This the best you got?! I've killed far more experienced Guardians than you lot! Give me a really reason to play with my food before devouring!" Kate swung furiously and without reason, Rex simply tried his best to combat the sparatic nature of his foe to no end. Laurentine, Angelica and Natasha were caught up dealing with the Taken minions that spawned. I slowly made my way forward and put down a few of the weaker enemies. "Where did these guys come from?" "They just appeared!" Natasha screamed in anger as she shocked a Knight into oblivion. "And they won't stop!" I ran up and threw a grenade at one and punched another into the Void. "Just keep it up! We don't have long befo..." Kate's scream stopped me. I turned to look as Tae Ken swiftly jabbed Rex in the arm and shadestepped away from Kate as she swung like a mad woman. Rex shrugged off the damage as he growled and got back up. Tae Ken laughed. "Well nice try." He twirled the blades in his hands. "You can actually hit me can you not?" Rex quickly put off three rounds from his hand cannons and Tae Ken dodged them with relative ease. "I guess not. Shame really." Kate yelled in anger and her body sparked in fury. She rushed forward. "Don't make fun of Rexxy!!" Tae Ken simply chuckled and shadestepped out of the way. He clicked his blades together and pulled back on the purple string. He let go and a projectile shot forward, wrapping itself around Kate. Her super cut out and she was dragged to the floor violently. "How foolish." He pointed his makeshift bow at me and at Angelica and Laurentine. Two more streaks of purple latched onto the floor and snared us, keeping us from moving. Rex growled in anger and started to move forward but Natasha wailed out suddenly. His head snapped towards her, eyes green once again. Natasha was caught in the grasp of a Hive Wizard, it cackled and chirped in her ear as it held a long jagged knife to her throat. Tae Ken grinned and placed his foot on Kate's stomach, causing Rex to snap his head in their direction and his eyes went to their blue color once again. "You can only pick one, choose wisely." Rex stood dumbfounded for a moment. His eyes constantly shifted from green to blue and back again as he tried to dicern what what going on. His body shook violently during all of this. Tae Ken threw an object behind Rex then another at his feet as he quickly stepped away from Kate. The portals roared to life once again and he passed through. His hand glowed a pale white as he grasped Rex by the head and clamped down. Rex screamed in agony as pale fire started to wrap around his body, seeping into whatever open space was available. His voice shorted and cut out and his body shook violently. Tae Ken slowly leaned forward next to his ear. "Should have seen it coming... Now you are mine." Rex's head rolled back as his light flickered to nothing. The Taken enemies suddenly vanished and were drawn back to their own dimension, allowing us to watch with horror. Tae Ken laughed happily and let go of Rex, as the motionless corpse stood still. Kate shook violently as she tried to stand up. "Rexxy?..." Rex stood silently, jittering occasionally. He slowly looked at her and his jaw slacked slightly, allowing pale sludge to ooze from his maw. His eyes turned on to become a Taken white color and a low growl eminated from his vocal processors. His hand moved up slightly, pointing at Kate. "Yes my boy." Tae Ken said, crossing his arms. "Kill." link to chapter 28 link to chapter 29.3

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