Anonymous declares war on Donald trump. I believe this is the end of him.
I can't decide which is more pathetic.
Edited by The Fallen Zyzz: 3/28/2016 12:54:02 PMIn other news: Anonymous is a joke and has been ever since Chanology [spoiler]Using a botnet to mess with Trump's website for a day isn't going to stump the Trump. These heretics will be purged before the Emperor's first term is halfway over.[/spoiler]
Edited by Memehattan_v2: 3/28/2016 7:24:04 PMBreaking news: virgins toss a hissy fit at a billionaire #LiberalLogic
The peasants are angry...
Anonymous is just a CIA controlled opposition front. It's how they operate around the law.
Just like they declared war on everyone else that has rustled their jimmies. These kids need to stop playing pretend.
What are they going to do? Release a sex tape of trump
Oh gods. Don't make me look at it.
Yea. Some fat kid in a mask living in his mother's basement with cats will successfully take down a billionaire.
Why not Hilary? You know... someone who is actually responsible for killing someone.
Never underestimate a computer hacker with all the time in the world lol.
Damn Anymoose has drifted away from their source of creation
Edited by Granite: 3/28/2016 1:23:44 PMIf there smart they leak all the shady shit he's done in his businesses, if there dumb they DDOS him
Lol, when has anonymous actually ever done anything
Literally all the do is DDOS.
Failed to load Web page. Hostname did not resolve. Error 420: -blam!- not given
Read this as "Anomaly declares war on trump"
anything but the virgins
Anonymous hates freedom of speech
This is old news.
Bramd - old
I for one hopes anonymous wins -
Everybody here is on Anonymous' collective junk until they declare war on somebody this hive mind likes lol
Those people are a joke
The problem is, ya can't stump the trump.
Edited by Nike: 3/28/2016 12:38:37 PMTrump is going to stump on anonymous. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]