Are you a master at math? Do you want to make other forum users suffer extreme brain farts? If so, then you came to the right place!
Put down a math problem and see if anyone guesses it right. [b]This is your opportunity to make our brains suffer![/b]
[spoiler]I am terrible at math[/spoiler]
Find the mass of the sun using the square root of Pi, and the number 7.
Edited by The Cellar Door: 4/2/2016 3:36:27 AMProve d⟨p⟩/dt =⟨-∂V/∂x⟩, given that d⟨p⟩/dt = -iħ∫∂/∂t (ψ*∂ψ/∂x) dx and ∂^2ψ/∂x∂t=∂^2ψ/∂t∂x Bonus points if you can tell me who's theorem this is without google.
What's the flux of the vector field F(x,y,z) = (e^-y) i - (y) j + (x sinz) k across σ with outward orientation where σ is the portion of the elliptic cylinder r(u,v) = (2cos v) i + (sin v) j + (u) k with 0 ≤ u ≤ 5, 0 ≤ v ≤ 2pi.
Edited by MerLew: 4/2/2016 8:05:21 PM[quote]Are you a master at math? Do you want to make other forum users suffer extreme brain farts? If so, then you came to the right place! Put down a math problem and see if anyone guesses it right. [b]This is your opportunity to make our brains suffer![/b] [spoiler]I am terrible at math[/spoiler][/quote] Find the min and max of f"(x)=e^2x^3(lnx) all over x^3-3
Square root of 3+4i
Bramd - old
X squared + 4x + 16 = 0 Solve for x -
24^π/(∆×7) Solve for ¶
What's 9+10??
Edited by Tringus: 3/29/2016 8:39:06 PMpublic class Easy { public int recursion (int x) { if (x == 0) return 0; else if ((x % 2) == 0) return 1 + recursion (x -1); else return 2 + recursion (x-1); } } What is returned by recursion(5)? Correct answer when someone gets it: [spoiler]8[/spoiler]
Question, what's the number i'm thinking of that comes after 4, only one guess per person. Upper limit is 32
Give me all of pi's numbers
9+10=X Solve for X ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edited by KandrosN7: 3/29/2016 7:41:11 PM9+10= [spoiler]I'm disgusted with myself now.[/spoiler]
8809 = 6 5555 = 0 7111 = 0 8193 = 3 2172 = 0 8096 = 5 6666 = 4 1012 = 1 1111 = 0 7777 = 0 3213 = 0 9999 = 4 7662 = 2 7756 = 1 7753 = 0 6855 = 3 0000 = 4 9881 = 5 2222 = 0 5531 = 0 3333 = 0 2581 = ??? [spoiler]This problem can be solved by preschool children in five to ten minutes, by programmers in an hour and by people with higher education in... Well solve for ??? [/spoiler]
What is bread plus bread
5 apples in a bowl. Jamal takes 4 of them. What colour is Jamal?
Do you have a G-horn?
1+1 Bet ya cant beat that!
Edited by RynoTheEdgeLord: 4/2/2016 4:17:21 PMJon, Suzy, and Jimmy get on a train. Jimmy forgot to purchase his train ticket. The three friends plan on going shopping after they get off the train. Jon brought $30.42, Suzy brought $78.93, and Jimmy brought $25.00. While on the train, a pickpocket steals $5.00 from Suzy. Later on, Jon lost three quarters. Then, to top it all off, Jimmy's twenty dollar bill flew out of a window a few miles before the final stop. How much money do they have left to shop with? Answer: [spoiler]$103.60 because Jimmy flew put the window with the $20.00. Reason being, he didn't have a ticket. No this is not a real problem. Yes you've been trolled.[/spoiler]
If a sniper bullet is fired at a target 20m away and is ejected from the rifle at 800m/s, at what angle and velocity does the target's controller hit their wall when they rage quit? Show your working.
here's a hard one in the form of a gif