originally posted in:Assassins of the Hollow
Ever heard of Kongregate? It's awesome.
[u][b][url=http://www.kongregate.com/games/innocuousGames/amorphous]My favorite flash game.[/url][/b][/u]
[u][b][url=http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/Darches2/favorites]Other favorites.[/url][/b][/u]
Addicting games.com was everyone's go to back in the day in computer classes. Even though we had to go through proxies like ptunnel.com to get around blocked websites. Our other favourite pastime was getting on the teachers computer (which was linked with the projector) and changing her background to gay porn.
I do the daily badge every day been doing that for the past 7 years...
Learn to fly was fun in kongregate
My favorite is probably bloon tower defense 4-5
Eww. Flash gaming. What are we? Children?
i still play on Kongregate all the time so i have an account on it.
Arcadeboss was pretty dope back in the day. But I haven't been there in years