We have seen the picture of the guardians in taken P.o.E. armor, and the hype right now is pretty real for many of us. I had this idea in someone else's post, but I wanted to add a poll and see how the community feels.
The could easily make the raids and P.o.E. relevant again by adding "taken" versions of raid materials, used to level the "new" or reskinned weapons they feel like putting in the raid, hopefully just year 2 versions of the original raid weapons, possibly being rid of elemental primaries.
P.o.E. would be the best in my opinion to add this change to, let me explain. They would update P.o.E. to include taken enemies and up the level difficulty to match current light values. Level 34, and 35 (whatever they turn into) instead of issuing etheric light would now issue 'taken light' which could be used in place of etheric light in any gear that could previously use etheric light, taken light would then turn that piece of gear into a 'taken' weapon. (Taken light would 'take' elemental modifiers on primaries reverting them to kinetic damage, since bungie doesn't want us to have them) Taken weapons could be upgraded and infused as any year 2 weapons can, or they could require 'taken orb of light' in place of planetary materials (taken orbs of light can be used in both weapons and armor, and are obtained in the new 'year 2 V.o.G. and C.E.)
V.o.G. and C.E. would add taken enemies in certain sections, and could feasibly add new mechanics to the bosses of the raid, though I haven't thought much about how the raids gameplay would change, mainly just how the rewards would change and make them feasible again.
What are your guys thoughts? Any ideas to add, or change? How much hype do you have for the update?
No taken plz