Got away with murder? must hurt to be you. The same with everybody similar to yourself. It's a -blam!-ing game. Take it for what it is and find something to enjoy about it, or don't. Continuous outcries, year after year, about the massive disappointment, shitty business model, bad management of time and resources, misplaced focus etc. has gotten really -blam!-ing in a long time ago. There is no grassroots movement to fight machines like Activision, so good luck with that.
Great dev studios and publishers are still out there holding themselves to certain standards. They are few and far between on console...and ubisoft/division is, by no means, a good example.
You say you value your time and money and in the same breath, act as if this is exclusive to you. I pay them money for a certain type and level of entertainment. It goes no further than that. I, like any reasonably intelligent person, do not expect gold from bungie, at this point. And if you do, I feel sorry for you. IF YOU ARE SO BROKEN UP OVER A GAME OR HOW ITS BEING MANAGED, then you should set it th -blam!- down and save yourself the obvious pain its causing you
This post is a prime example of why the game industry is steadily going down the shitter. Eating shit and being satisfied with it like the good little sheep he is.
Exactly my point, I'm just old enough to remember the days when Nintendo used to slap their (literally) Gold seal on games which basically meant that the product you were buying was prime material. I also remember the days when games like Diablo etc. (thankfully Blizzard is still good on this front mostly) would churn out regular, FREE updates to their games at their own time and expense. I'm not implying that I'm against DLC by the way, not all content should be free and these guys need to make a living but there just doesn't seem to be that same level of commitment and enthusiasm there used to be in the industry. The videogame industry is becoming [i]too Hollywood[/i], i.e. all about the money and not the art, and that just galls me on every conceivable level. The fact that people blindly put up with it is even more disgusting, and it's why I actually miss those days as a little kid when I would get teased for playing video games. At least back then developers actually gave a rat's ass about quality content and how that would reflect on them from a PR standpoint. Now it's all pre-order hype and marketing and shipping broken games because they can just get patched and who cares if the user scores are low so long as the reviews are decent and they secure a bunch of pre-orders because guess what folks - once they have your money they don't owe you jack. I think the most painful thing to admit to myself, is that Destiny will never be what Final Fantasy XI was (to me) and yet I keep hoping for it. Hoping for a game that will have great lore, story, a wide variety of gameplay and social interactions to keep me hooked for years. And I bitched * a lot * for the 9 years I subscribed to that game but even through the worst of it, when all hope seemed lost during the dark days of rampant inflation thanks to Chinese RMT flooding the markets and botting, I kept believing in Square Enix and was largely rewarded for it. Had similar experiences with FF14 as well, with the 2-year restructuring process (though I'm not entirely happy with how that game turned out it's still largely positive) and at this point I've had enough. I'm sick and tired of of this epic projects going pear-shaped but at least in the previous 2 examples, their respective dev teams and parent company actually gave enough of a damn to maintain and fix their games. The impression I get from Bungie is one of pure avarice and apathy. Luke Smith's all the proof we need of that. Destiny has everything it needs to be sci-fi that can mix and in some ways beat out games like Mass Effect and Borderlands and I very much want to see that.
You should look into indies. They hold their own against "Hollywood" games. We recently just got the Witcher, Bloodborne, Super Mario Maker, Rocket League, and will soon get No Man's Sky. A wide range of games, small to big companies, all successful.
Not the biggest fan of Indie games to be honest though I've played a few that were pretty damn good and some others I very much want to try but don't have a working PC currently, such as This War of Mine. At least Darkest Dungeon is coming to PS4 soon.
[quote]This post is a prime example of why the game industry is steadily going down the shitter. Eating shit and being satisfied with it like the good little sheep he is.[/quote]