"the first time Bungie has ever done anything nice"
2014 Halloween Event
2014 Christmas gift for the 2015 stuff
2015 Halloween Event
2015 Sparrow Racing League
2016 Valentines Day Even
2016 Free update
Clearly not the first time
The holiday events were just excuses to push microtransactions. Come on now, you'd have to be delusional to not see that.
All crappy fluff events that either no one caraed about or took too long to implement (why is Sparrow Racing not permanent serously...) Am I the only one who remembers when Bungie used to be cool? Like how they gave the recon Helmet to that guy who killed himself with a traffic cone in halo 3 (or the guy who sniped himself). And how they used to showcase Forge and actually interact wth their community on a regular basis instead of these half-assed weekly updates. I miss blame Stosh damn it.
[quote]"the first time Bungie has ever done anything nice" 2014 Halloween Event 2014 Christmas gift for the 2015 stuff 2015 Halloween Event 2015 Sparrow Racing League 2016 Valentines Day Even 2016 Free update Clearly not the first time[/quote] Listed the worst events lol
All made cheaply and poorly so no not that nice tbh in comparison to other game makers efforts
oh but it's not the first time though so stfu