Trump isn't stupid, he knows exactly what he's doing.
For example he's actually a democrat, but he realized the weird spot the republicans were in, and in addition to the fact that the competition on the democratic side was too stiff, so he decided to take advantage of that and run as a republican. He tries to appeal to the majority of america, the poor, white, working class. He knows exactly what to say to get their maximum support, and the most media attention. Everything he does is designed to draw a huge amount of media attention, which he knows how to manipulate as a reality tv star and a buissness man. He has taken complete control of the republican nomination, because he knows that the media just wants money. So he says ridiculous things, the media bugs out at the money they're gonna make, and Trump gets a lot of publicity (there's no such thing as bad publicity). For example Trump decided against going to a big republican debate [i]very publicly.[/i] Since Trump had the media attention, the other candidates knew that beating Trump had to be done. So they made their arguments to be tailored against Trump. Trump realized this and decided not to go, getting him more publicity and leaving everyone else floundering.
In addition he has successfully ran a large business for quite some time. This isnt even the first time he's run for president. In 2002 he did a small exploratory campiagn, probably to start mapping his main campaign, this one.
If Trump get's elected, he'll probably drop his masterful act. He might put a motion in congress to build a wall, fully aware of the fact that that would never pass, to appease the people who wanted that crap.
In addition i doubt he would be as disastrous for our global relations as some may think. For one, he's a business man. He knows how to navigate situations that aren't exactly straight (Obama's lack of that was his the main cause of his inability). As a business man he'd probably be more willing to make deals. Unlike other politicians, he has less if an agenda, and [i]may[/i] be more willing to strike a deal, a compromise.
Trump is a master at manipulating the media and the race, he's put the whole thing in his pocket.
And the thing is im not even a republican, or invested in this race. This is all really basic shit that everyone is too stupid to see. Like literally try putting a second of thought into something before judging it. That second is all it takes to see all this shit.
Bernie Sanders is doing a similar thing, trying to appeal to the youth of our country. However his ideas were too extreme to pass in congress, and after his last disastrous comments he had no chance.
Just food for thought.
[spoiler]Clinton will win.[/spoiler]
After reading that first line I knew it was b8
☕️This is the last Emoji coffee cup on, Copy and paste him so he may repopulate the forums once again! Or else Shrek is out to get you!
I know the real reason why Trump wears a toupe,it's because he doesn't want to be mistaken for Lex Luthor.
I am sort of with you. I do believe trump is more Democratic leaning, but I don't think he cares about being president. He is simply creating a civil war among the Republican party guaranteeing they won't be elected this cycle. I'm pretty sure he realizes he doesn't have a chance.
He just likes attention this gets it for him. It doesn't really matter he cant win the general election.
Edited by Vgnut: 3/14/2016 4:37:54 AMThis notion about Trump being a Democrat is wrong. Trump is a Republican. But what is a Republican? What is a Democrat? The makeup of each party evolves over time. The parties also represent a broad swath of ideas. A New York Republican is a lot different from a Bible Belt Republican. Anyways I'd make the case that Trump is redefining what the Republican Party stands for. When he talks about bringing new people into the Republican fold he's right. The GOP is transforming under his watch. The Republicans have been grossly out of touch with the American electorate. When Cruz talks about how inflexible he is it turns the general voter off. People like when Trump says he can be flexible. Who would have thunk that people want a leader that can adapt?
Yes the Lord Emperor is the smartest man to walk the Planet Trumpton
Anyone but Clinton please
Trump is an asshole. This is not debatable. I won't vote for him
So...basically he's a manipulative, egocentric person who will do and say anything to get a few more minutes of spotlight...and because of that reason, you believe he'll make a good president. And then you go on to call people stupid because they don't see it from your you see the irony?
Both Trump and Hitler hated certain religious groups. Hitler hated Jews, Trump hates Muslims.
Edited by LiamCDM: 3/14/2016 8:54:42 PMI'm fine with Clinton winning. She's basically slightly more right-wing Obama.
Right? I still want Bernie before him, but I realized, that he's a business man. He wouldn't act childish in office, he'd do what's best for his business. He's just bending over backwards for the "silent majority". Would he be a bad president? No. Would he be a great president? No. He'd just kinda be... there.
Mastermind? Not so much. However, the man knows how to appeal to the masses, specifically white trash. His speeches are all repetitive of how great our country is which makes people go wild for whatever reason.
Funny, you sound like my history teache-... [spoiler]Wait a minute....[/spoiler]
Edited by Genghis Johnson: 3/14/2016 8:41:28 PMDrumpf is also pretty good at sizing up the competition. At this point essentially the last Republican opponent standing is "Ted" (false name) Cruz, a man who looks not only like a child rapist in general but also like he's actively r@ping a child right this goddamn second. Drumpf also gets credit for eliciting [url=]this masterpiece[/url] from George Takei.
And if its not an act and he gets elected? Then we are -blam!-ed
Bramd - old
The only thing that makes me angry is when people compare him to Hitler. Seriously -blam!- off if you do that I don't even want him to win But he's not Hitler
Trump will win
You just pissed off all the tards who can't think for themselves
I feel like poking you with a needle now..
A small part of me wonders whether he's simply playing the fox amongst the hens. Apparently he's shown Democrat leanings before, and had a phone call with one/both of the Clintons before announcing his candidacy. That said, it's a pretty dick move to play with the largest and most influential country in the western hemisphere like that.
[quote]And the thing is im not even a republican, or invested in this race. This is all really basic shit that everyone is too stupid to see. Like literally try putting a second of thought into something before judging it. That second is all it takes to see all this shit. Bernie Sanders is doing a similar thing, trying to appeal to the youth of our country. However his ideas were too extreme to pass in congress, and after his last disastrous comments he had no chance. Just food for thought.[/quote] Minus the insults, these are my exact thoughts. How's the flamesuit OP?
I agree with a lot of points here. Trump is a genius when it comes to manipulation and publicity.