"These people didn't choose to be human. However, they are part of the generation that can save it from its former bloodlust. Surely you must want that, don't you?"-Silver
"I do..." [b]he hands the photo back to silver[/b] "Although I still have no regret in killing this man."
"Noted."-Silver *he takes the photo and places it back on the dashboard
Edited by Cosmic: 3/13/2016 4:21:22 AM"I'm sorry it had to come to this..."
*he immediately turns to face Wheatley "It's not too late. There is still good in him. If I can just exploit it, he can be turned once more. I just need to find out how..."-Silver(obviously making this plan up on the spot)
"Okay..." [b]he takes the photo [/b]