Okay, so this story is from when I managed to break and injure my collarbone twice in the same week. It's probably one of the most embarrassing injuries I've ever gotten. And that's saying a lot cause I tend to get injured on a weekly basis. Anywho, story time.
Okay, so this happened around when I was in 6th grade, so about like 11, maybe 12. I can't recall. So I was riding a scooter around my friends house and I went down this steep hill, cause I was like "OH MAN, IMMA DO THIS SHIT" and then I was going down the hill and some genuis had the idea to put a speed bump in bottom of the hill. Who does that?! WHY?! Anyways, so I'm going down the hill, feeling pretty chill and then I hit the speed bump. Then I went flying into the sky, hit the road and rolled around a bit. So after that, I just sit up, spit out a tooth as my friend runs up to me. And he starts questioning if I'm okay and what happened, and I'm just holding back the tear cause that shit hurt like hell and nodding like an idiot. Then I just stand up, slowly limp back t my house, holding my arm which hurt like hell, and faceplant as soon I open the door. So my mum finds me face own on the floor and takes me to the hospital cause my arm. I was told it was broken, but not broken enough to the point that I needed a cast, just a sling. So the next day is a Monday, and I gotta go to school, Now, little kid Bio was a genius and decided that I ain't taking my sling to school and would hide the injury so no one would ask about it. Cause seriously, anytime I walked into the class with some injury, they would also do like some Grudge 180 degree neck spin and look at me and be like "WHAT HAPPENED", and so I didn't want to deal with that. And so, I reach school, I'm holding my right arm close, cause that's the inured arm, and I'm trying to write in class, but it hurts like a mother because I'm right handed, I had tears in my eyes because it hurt that bad, and some kid noticed and was like "Oh Luis (no one called me Bio back then) why are you crying?" and I just simply said I was super happy to be writing. Then it was time for lunch, and oh lordy, am I a dumbass, because I stood up from my desk so fast, using my arms on the desk to boost me up, that I dislocated my collar bone, so, I'm just standing there, looking like I'm having some Vietnam flashback before I return back to the land of the peoples and walk to recess holding my arm, with a Vietnam flashback face because the pain was so intense that I was about to cry on the spot. So, after a day of constant pain and fighting tear and having a Vietnam flashback face, I return home, lay down on the floor and tell my mum to take me to the hospital. Which then I had to wear my sling and everyone questioned me and laughed when I said how it broke, cause getting hurt by a scooter is pretty embarrassing. And that's the story of how I broke my collarbone twice in one week. :D
So, once you're all done pointing and laughing at me. What's your most embarrassing injury?
U only broke your collarbone once
One time as a kid I was playing tag in an area with lots of oak trees. Me, being the tiny idiot I was, didn't watch where he was running, ran into a tree. Now if you saw this you'd be laughing and saying how I'm a stupid kid and that I'll walk it off. That wasn't the case. I was shirt less and hit the tree hard enough that the tree bark was embedded into my skin. My friends and I spent 20 minutes peeling oak bark out of my skin, along with the little skin left afterwards.[spoiler]I looked like someone had just gotten out of a bath of blood from a horror movie.[/spoiler]
Edited by WortWortWortHog: 3/13/2016 5:08:50 AM>last summer >about to go for supper with grandparents and parents >remember friends telling me about a shortcut behind my house to get to their sub division faster >gets bike >finds trail >giant hill covered in gravel >walk bike up hill >wow nice hill >start to bike back down >we're going faster than the speed of sound >good time to mention I'm wearing shorts, a ball cap, a t-shirt and flip flops >hat starts to fly off >I should grab my hat to make sure it doesn't fly off >what was I thinking >fall off bike and roll down hill >get up >that's a lot of blood >find bike >manage to bike home at about .5 kmph >show mom >hold on ill get you a face cloth >grand-ma freaks out and rushes me too hospital >wait 6 hours ( not exaggerating, Canadian hospitals are really slow ) >stitches I'm not very smart
I've whacked myself with a 6 foot flag pole in the crotch during a guard performance ._.
When I was in elementary school I was using one of those big paper cutters without permission. It fell on my thumb, so I screamed and jerked my hand back and flung a bloody chunk of thumb onto a kid's face.
Bump me for later
Once not snapped but deep scratched the banjo string whilst giggty-ing the girlfriend. She went crazy apologizing thinking it was her stuff. Took us a long ole while to realise what had acc happened, all in all, a pretty embarrassing event at 16, and the horrible image of looking down and seeing blood literally everywhere(thing bleeds like a bastard) forever etched in my mind
[i]"It felt like something just jumped up and bit me."[/i]
I've never been injured. Ever.
Bramd - old
I was attacked By a wild Wine cooler. I'll post pics later of my scar I still have from about 3 months after the injury -
Well I...I was talking to my former crush while in a soccer match. She was in the opposing team so yeah...one of her teammates passed the ball to her and tried to block her off but she kicked the ball in the direction of the goal and thus in my direction...I had my sport glasses on...the plastic dug into my eye and I was temporarily blinded. That was my story.Getting temporarily blinded because I was to focused on my crush. Good thing:We won.And she is hot
I fractured a bone in my face by hitting my lip off a deck stair. I got super fat lip.
I lit my dick on fire
long story short: Constipated for a few days, shit so big my asshole tore open and dripped blood. I was screaming like a newborn humpback whale and the guy in the stall next to me said, "Hey man, you good?''
Chafed diсk
When I was 7, I stuck a crayon in my nose and it got stuck. I had to go to the ER because it wouldn't come out. The ER couldn't do anything. The next morning, I randomly sneezed and it popped out.
Fell of the toilet when I was doing the 2. [spoiler]I broke my leg ;-;[/spoiler]
I cut myself in a spot....................................... the arm. You perverts thought something else.
I broke the toe next to my little toe playing soccer once. I went to kick a ball that was simultaneously stopped by a very strong leg.
You know, could've sworn you were dead.
*Lights cardboard box*
Broke my middle finger twice in one month.
Penis got stuck in fridge cause the instructions weeny clear enough
I ran a 4wheeler into a tree at 45 mph snapped the front axle to a 10,000$ atv and flew over the handle bars. All i got was a bruise on my legs [spoiler]no helmet btw[/spoiler] I had to explain to my friends dad on his birthday that i wreaked the ATV he jus bought a month prior [spoiler]luckily he had insurance on it[/spoiler]
My friend and I ran into each other, I broke his collar bone
Robot arm grasping your crotch [spoiler]its a big bang theroy reference[/spoiler]