Tumblr now runs the government, and anything is a gender. Pizza, doorknob, anything. Now, you must choose a gender, or else you will be sent pity insults about how you don't support people showing "Their true self"
My gender is a napkin.
How about you?
[spoiler]Straight outta the closet[/spoiler]
Edit: Wow this blew up
I'm a -blam!-ing Apache attack helicopter. I'm having my right arm surgically formed into a machine gun and my chest will have a bomb deployment system implanted in it. Along with this helicopter blades will b stuck in my back so I'll fly. People tell me it's impossible but I'm gonna follow my dream
Edited by andy: 3/12/2016 10:21:19 PMI am a plane and I am going to crash into the world trade Center
I'm just a sword not a blade but a sword
My gender is mashed potato.Not potato,mashed potato.There's a difference.
My gender is cooler than yours
I refer to myself as a "dual shock 4 bluetooth controller".
I am now Donald Trump's wig
I consider myself a refined valley dude [spoiler]jk[/spoiler]
I identify as General Grievous's sick spins
I sexually identity as a vileblood.
My gender is attack chopper. However I like the gender sports car batter. Does that make me weird?
I am a male, one of the two real genders
My gender is ps4
According to feminist everything in here is a gender
I sexually identify as a bmx and a skateboard
Buttered popcorn [spoiler] with extra butter ;)[/spoiler]
I sexually identify myself at grout. Check your privilege.
Im Caitlyn Gender
Edited by Warhawk2315: 3/12/2016 6:00:32 PMI sexually identify as a space nebula
I identify as an explosion.
My gender has been and always will be memes
Bramd - old
I'm a mortar I can blow many women and she-mortars at once The kidney stones, tho, are awful