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Halo 4. [spoiler][b][i]Closely followed by Halo 4.[/i][/b][/spoiler]
Biased poll is biased
Halo 3 I didn't care for.
Penis poll achieved
Why are penis polls the only thing offtopic can cooperate on?
I had a hard time deciding between Halo 4 and Halo 4, but I eventually decided Halo 4. At least Halo 4 is still playable, but Halo 4!?!?!?!? OH GOD!!!!!!!!!
You know, I don't mind, once when I was 7 years old, I sat on a banana, and that of course changed my whole life. -Hugh Neutron
Halo 5
Hold up. This adds up to 101%
Daaaaamn, penis poll is perfectly symmetrical. Well done, Offtopic
Halo: waypoint
I like 4 better than 5. The campaign for 5 is underwhelming.
But Halo 1 is the worst...
Wow! I've never seen so many balls on one dick!
Monster Hunter - old
Forgot to add Halo 4. #BiasedPostIsBiased -
Halo 2 sucked.
Halo Spartan Assault?
You misspelt Halo: Reach
I kind of liked 4, TBH. Reach was better, but 4 was decent.
Monster Hunter - old
2>1>3>Reach>5>4 -
Its definitely 5.
Wars, or 5