He's in for an aneurism in the back of his head that could rupture. I'm here with him, and we are currently waiting for an ambulance to transfer him to a different hospital so he can get surgery. I'm freaked out of course, but he told me not to worry, so I'm going to try my best to keep calm.
[b]Update:[/b] We have arrived at the hospital, which is huge by the way, and I'll be staying the night with him until they get a neurosurgeon and an operating room.
[i][u]Edit 1:[/u][/i] Thanks for all the kind things you have all said and done, I appreciate it and it means a lot to me.
Cheers <3
-The Jakenator
Hope everything goes well mate
is he getting his balls removed or reattached
>Dads in the hospital > better go to b.net
I don't know you but I wish your father the best ok, it might be nothing.
Does he have life insurance? Are you his POA?
Good Vibes ~~~~~>>>> Jake Hang in there, head up, chest out.
I've been in a similar situation man. Just hang in there. All should be fine. And just ignore some of the assholes in this thread. They don't know what it's like to be a decent human
Hey friend, don't worry. He'll be okay. Hope the best for you and your father!
I hope everything goes well and the recovery is swift.
What's your middle name?
Good luck m8. It all should be fine and you are worrying to much. But its always easier said then done, i know since i have been in sort of the same boat. Good luck and let us know.
Why would you think that Offtopic is an appropriate place to beg for sympathy?
Why the -blam!- are you on a video game app and not paying attention to your family? If you reply to this it shows me youre not very humane.
I hope the best for you and your family! Hope he has a fast recovery!
Sorry about the debate my last post caused, I'll still pray 😉
I hope all goes well!
Edited by Vaerton: 3/10/2016 4:04:03 AMI hope he will feel great!
My prayers are with your father.
What's your middle name?
What would you do if a completely naked man was running towards you screaming?
I hope he gets better.
Hope he gets better. Don't listen to the trolls, they don't understand.
Do you want me to pray for him?
Bramd - old
Holy -blam!-. That must suck -
Hmm child I wish you and your father the best of luck recovering whilst I do nothing.