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3/9/2016 7:18:14 AM

Halo 5 Arena Req Bundle: Is It Worth It?

Video is just for reference. So I am currently torn when faced with the decision to purchase this new req bundle that was released a few weeks back. However, does the temptation seem worth the price? Situation: I am currently caught in a bind, balancing extracurricular activities with school and soon adding in a job into the mix (replacing extracurriculars). Thus leaving me little time to spend on Xbox, and pouring that which I do into [i]"Halo: Lottery Simulator 5"[/i] in order to grind out all common to rare cosmetics so I may actually get a decent set of armor. Doing so would let me mentally take a breather and allow myself to fall behind in unlocking things in 343's monthly content drops. Pros: - Guaranteed Mk V Alpha set, which IMO looks better than 90% of the available armor - 40 additional permanent unlocks (all cosmetic, no certifications - Helps me eliminate my remaining rare unlocks Cons: - $25 that is of my own money (at this point in time) would be put towards this instead of other things, things that are far more worthy. - The Mk V Alpha set [b]is[/b] unlockable without purchase, just by grinding and a stroke of luck. - I'm spending additional money on an already purchased $60 game. TL;DR: Life is busy and I'm not sure if I want to buy a microtransaction.

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  • Why look at it as a micro transaction? I'm co spidering buying the bundle of 7 golds or the req just to so my support of the pvp and all the DLC that's come and is to come in the future.

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