His head stirs as the holographic halo around his head flickers in static, desperately trying to stay lit.
[i][I'm alive... Why... I should be slag after that...][/i]
He looks up and stirs a bit.
[i][Your armor... Where did you get that?][/i]
"Scavenged it off of a half-dead Original, stole its Solarium carapace and redid some of its functions. Why?" Eric looks at you quizzically, slightly unsure of what to do.
He sighs, slumping against the wall. [i][Good... Good. Take a seat, the N-Atoms will expand eventually.][/i]
[i][Nano-Atoms...][/i] His breathing steadies. [i][Atoms smaller than atoms, artificially shrunken down into compact form by scavenged Kol technology. Upon injury, they expand, exchange electrons, protons, and neutrons as demanded by the necessary materials, and close wounds in a matter of minutes. Their uses are endless... Microscopic data storage, hyper-dense materials... If I poured my guts into your hands, and I'd rather not, it'd slip through the atoms in your hand.][/i]
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 3/15/2016 5:11:29 AMEric sits besides him. "What does that mean for the suit? Do you need a transfusion?"
[i][No... I'll be fine. Just... Give me a moment.][/i] He grimaces at you. [i][A heads up BEFORE you let me use that damned thing would have been highly appreciated.][/i]
Eric picks him up in his arms fairly gently, and begins sprinting towards his ship, without jostling Cain overly much. He places him down on a seat near the cockpit, and straps him in, while activating the ship's systems. The cockpit vibrates as the ship leaves the hangar, but once it hits warp, the rest of the journey is smooth. He exits warp a few systems away, at random coordinates, just outside of an uninhabited solar system. The whole venture takes around five minutes, but certain precautions prevented any faster travel. "Alright, what now?@
[spoiler]I'm talking about the entire Infinity. Not just the Torch Hammer. If Cain isn't radioactive slag yet, then there's another Ignus in the proximity, meaning either the Ignus found Cain and a search party is en route, or something else is already aboard the ship.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well, it's kinda unrealistic for an entire cruiser to enter warp for its former enemy, abandoning their mission to save him. It could be the harness that Eric is wearing. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Then just lock down the ship, we'll go with option b. Your chassis wouldn't trigger it— it's solarium, but it doesn't have the proximity programs of a real Ignus.[/spoiler]