The enemy Seraphs engaged the two fighters, the carrier dumped everything it had into the attack.
*they both easily avoid the ships, taking them out quickly. As Silver engages the rest of the enemy ships, Phoenix attacks the main cruisers, blasting a massive holes in the ship's hull "Boom. Boom! BOOM!"-Phoenix
The enemy manage to turn their weapons back on and the balls of plasma soon start firing in retaliation.
*Phoenix avoids the blasts and continues to blast apart the cruiser "Die. Die! DIE!"-Phoenix *Silver finishes up the last of the fighters and attacks the cruiser
The cruiser soon disintegrates into nothingness, but the other ships close in.
Edited by SilverPulse620: 3/8/2016 2:23:39 AM*they engage the one of the cruisers, blasting holes in the cruiser's hull with their Quasa cannons
The remaining ships return heavy fire.
Edited by SilverPulse620: 3/8/2016 2:55:52 AM*they evade the attacks and Silver fires several quantum torpedoes at the cruisers' engines, destroying one of them and critically damaging a few others. Phoenix engages one of them, blasting its bridge of the cruiser apart [spoiler]"This is Blue Leader. Yeah, I blew some sh*t up."-Silver[/spoiler]
The remaining ships warp out, leaving the wrecks there, burning for a short time as the plasma ignited anything flammable. The sangheili ship sustained some damage but looks relatively intact.
*Silver contacts the Elite Flagship "Do you mind telling me why they decided to attack us? I thought the Brutes were no longer enemies of the Alliance."-Silver
"Of the alliance, no, but the Jiralhanae hate humans. They did not want the humans to discover their operations in the area"
Edited by SilverPulse620: 3/8/2016 4:26:51 AM"Operations? Are they trying to make a Halo, or some brute equivalent?"-Silver "If so, I'll make sure they get a plate of a** whopping with a side of grenades."-Phoenix
"No, they are disturbing forerunner ruins, and we both know how dangerous that can end."
Edited by SilverPulse620: 3/8/2016 4:30:01 AM"All too much. Where are the ruins?"-Silver
The coordinates were uploaded to the man's HUD. The sangheili also marked their ship as friendly. "Here is their folly, we stopped their digging, but they may return eventually."
Edited by SilverPulse620: 3/8/2016 4:44:22 AM"Coordinates received. Man, if Delta could see the universe now."-Silver "Let's go there, and incinerate them."-Phoenix "You sure have a problem with killing things."-Silver(to Phoenix)
"We will stay here and repair our ship, our slip space drive was damaged in the battle. Good luck."
*the two ships activate their FTLs, arriving to the coordinates via a wormhole. They ready their shields and weapons and scan the area
A large fleet of Jiralhanae ships surrounded a gas giant. More specifically a moon of said gas giant. Scans showed it was a dysonsphere, a planet built around a star.
"I haven't seen one of these in centuries. Let's go in."-Silver "Copy that, Echo 1. I'm right behind you."-Phoenix *the two ships close in on the moon, ready to attack if necessary
The Jiralhanae moved to defend the moon from the two ships, opening fire.
*they evade their shots and fired EMP weapons at the Brute ships. Silver hailed them, while Phoenix started firing at their weapons systems
The Jiralhanae did not answer the hail. They simply kept attacking.
"Stupid brutes. Well, I guess it's time for plan B."-Silver *he immediately fires several torpedoes at the Jiralhanae ships, blasting most of them to bits. Phoenix does the same, clearing a way to the Dyson sphere [spoiler]Finally. Time to use my knowledge of science for this mission.[/spoiler]
The ships exploded on contact. Leaving a clear Chanel to the moon.
*they take advantage and fly in, scanning the sphere "I can't wait to step foot on one of these again."-Silver "I just hope I get to kill things down there."-Phoenix