How about I send you to the scrap heap, or fry your -blam!-ing circuits? Bet the Brotherhood.... Or what's left of them.. Would pay nicely for you... Or maybe your head would make a good hood ornament... I'd be willing to bet you've got some things up there that I'd like to know, tin man.
[i]From his wrist, a blade of pure energy formed, pulsing, arcing. He approached the robot , his Tesla shielding coming on, lightning jumping across his armor.[/i]
[i][Now, now, let's not be hasty... I'm sure I do have things you want but I can't exactly tell you anything if my chassis disintegrates, now, can I? Dead men tell no tales and all that...][/i] He saves the Exalin files to the blade, the orange lights on the computer fading and the "wound" closing as he pulls out the cubic knife.
Meh... That's something I can live with, considering you're not a man... Give me one good reason not to waste you. Seriously. I can think of at least three as to why I should.
[i][I have access to the locations and Gate Codes for at least thirty-five thousand Ignus facilities specializing in military development and organic experiments in this realm of existence alone, twelve of which are in the immediate reachable vicinity of the[/i] Infinity[i]. I believe the term is 'fifties and bitches?'][/i] He slowly begins sidestepping to the end of the row of computer servers.
[i]Wilson moves closer, almost in Cain's face.[/i] I think you've got a helluva a lot of explaining to do to the captain... And the rest of the crew...
Edited by Wretched Cain: 3/8/2016 2:33:27 AM[i][What's there to explain? You get treasure, I get off the hook, we're both golden. Easy as that. Weapons and pharmaceuticals for days, um... Son?][/i] He backs into the servers, crouching down as Wilson begins towering over him. These people were a great deal scarier when he was on their side.
You think I'm gonna let you walk off scot-free? Hell no! This is a you help us, you maybe get a little bit longer to live kinda deal.
[i][That is your opinion, sir, and one that I am willing to respect. How about I buy you a Nuka Cola, we keep this incident quiet, and I head up to the bridge with those Gate Codes? Savvy?][/i]
How about you don't, and I get every mother-blam!-er on board who knows about you to make sure you don't keep slinking around and hopping into things you aren't supposed to? Or I can just kill you right her and take my trophy....
[i][I would heavily advise [/i]against[i] starting such combat in a room that could quite possibly blow the ship if anything is damaged, sir. Dying isn't good for anyone's health, and neither of us are supposed to be here in the first place.][/i]
Considering I'm not known for being where I'm supposed to be, it's honestly debatable...
[i][Look...][/i] He takes a deep breath (Or, at least, it sounds like it— you're not quite sure if Ignus breath.), and begins speaking. [i][If you can't keep this quiet for me, then can you at least keep this quiet for Eric? There's a slight chance I'm on parole at the moment, and he's supposed to be watching me. If this gets out to anyone, then he'll sink with me, and that's not something I want to see happen.][/i]
How's he gonna sink when he was never assigned to babysit you? And what do I care? I just want to erase your sorry metal ass from existence... [i]He drew his magnum, and pulled the hammer back, and made his call.[/i] Cooper, I got your tin man in the computer room playing with your knife.
[i][I suppose that's my cue to get going, then!][/i] With a quick, fluid motion, Cain thrusts the blade into Wilson's helmet, orange lights dancing with blue sparks as the programming turns up the brightness settings of your HUD to massive levels.
[i]He immediately grabs him, and lets loose a Tesla pulse, the energy of which was enough to short several of Cain's systems while at the same time disabling his own energy shielding. His gauntlet dagger erupting forth in a flash, e slammed the blade of pure energy into Cain's chest multiple times, the blade cutting through the metal and circuitry with ease. Sheer animalistic impulse overwhelmed him as he began ripping the robot's mechanical innards apart.[/i] YOU PIECE OF -blam!-ING TRASH I'M GONNA SCRAP YOUR ASS!
As the brightness begins to turn down again, you feel a sense of satisfaction run over you. One of your most hated enemies, now a pile of scrap... Oh, fuсk. In your hands is a large chunk of plastic alloy, silicon computer chips, and copper nanowire, ripped straight out of the server, as the sector's lights begin to flicker and the fire nozzles intermittently spout water to the tune of [b][i][HE'S GONE MAD, HE'S GONE MAD!!!][/i][/b] echoing from the hallway through the open sliding door.
[spoiler]Nonononono you're not sliding out of that. If you're close enough to stab, he's close enough to grab.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]He did blind you with your HUD. It wouldn't be possible to aim correctly when all you see is bright fuzzy white.[/spoiler]
Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 3/9/2016 2:08:33 AM[spoiler]All you have to do is reach forward. Even blinded, you can still grab something in close proximity to you.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Power armor servos wouldn't be able to move such heavy metal that quickly.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]It's not normal power armor. I've specified this before that Wilson's is upgraded with Venom technology. Even so, you could not evade someone so close that fast. It's impossible unless you can teleport.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Pushing off the blade plus the element of surprise, in addition to the fact you'd have to let go of the weapon you were holding or pull your arm back to grab him with either hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]He's got a free hand. He doesn't need both to shoot a handgun.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]He's leaning against the computer with his free hand, he'd have to push off.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I never said that at all. He's standing between you and the doorway.[/spoiler]
Wilson hears a tiny ding on his helmet, and his head jerks the slightest bit to the right under the slight impact. He still can't see anything because of his malfunctioning HUD, but he can still hear Eric's cool voice pierce through his animalistic trance. "Wilson, that's enough. I'll handle him from here, you just go get your eyes checked out." He clearly didn't mean to hurt you; he had far larger and scarier guns at his disposal, but he sounded serious.