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Edited by TheArtist: 3/6/2016 5:24:36 PM
Smh..... A single bullet from a magic infused weapon. Ghosts are the remanants of the power of the Traveller itself. Used to resurrect human beings FROM THE DEAD, to fight for The Light. A Traveller that terra-formed Venus and Mercury. The REAL Venus is an 850* F blast furnace that is hot enough to melt lead. Exerts a crushing 800 psi of pressure ( Earth is 15 psi)...and rains SULFURIC ACID. Yet it has been turned into a lush jungle world, teeming with life. The surface of Mercury is a 800 *F NUCLEAR blast furnace. With no atmosphere and no magnetic field. IOW...if the heat didn't liquefy....the radiation would shred your DNA...and you wouldn't have to worry about the lack of oxygen. because the solar wind would SCOUR the planet of any thoughts of keeping an atmosphere. In short. What the Traveller and the Vex did on Mercury is a scientific IMPOSSIBILITY. The Spartans would lose against Guardians for one simple reason. Spartans have to play within the laws of physics. Guardians don't. A point that being able to be resurrected from the DEAD so often, that Hunters will JOKE about using their own bodies to clear minefields should have clued people into.

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