A single bullet from a magic infused weapon.
Ghosts are the remanants of the power of the Traveller itself. Used to resurrect human beings FROM THE DEAD, to fight for The Light.
A Traveller that terra-formed Venus and Mercury. The REAL Venus is an 850* F blast furnace that is hot enough to melt lead. Exerts a crushing 800 psi of pressure ( Earth is 15 psi)...and rains SULFURIC ACID. Yet it has been turned into a lush jungle world, teeming with life.
The surface of Mercury is a 800 *F NUCLEAR blast furnace. With no atmosphere and no magnetic field.
IOW...if the heat didn't liquefy....the radiation would shred your DNA...and you wouldn't have to worry about the lack of oxygen. because the solar wind would SCOUR the planet of any thoughts of keeping an atmosphere.
In short. What the Traveller and the Vex did on Mercury is a scientific IMPOSSIBILITY.
The Spartans would lose against Guardians for one simple reason.
Spartans have to play within the laws of physics.
Guardians don't. A point that being able to be resurrected from the DEAD so often, that Hunters will JOKE about using their own bodies to clear minefields should have clued people into.
[quote]Smh..... A single bullet from a magic infused weapon. --------- Which does? --------- Ghosts are the remanants of the power of the Traveller itself. Used to resurrect human beings FROM THE DEAD, to fight for The Light. A Traveller that terra-formed Venus and Mercury. The REAL Venus is an 850* F blast furnace that is hot enough to melt lead. Exerts a crushing 800 psi of pressure ( Earth is 15 psi)...and rains SULFURIC ACID. Yet it has been turned into a lush jungle world, teeming with life. --------- The UNSC is terraforming Reach back to its pre glass state. --------- The surface of Mercury is a 800 *F NUCLEAR blast furnace. With no atmosphere and no magnetic field. IOW...if the heat didn't liquefy....the radiation would shred your DNA...and you wouldn't have to worry about the lack of oxygen. because the solar wind would SCOUR the planet of any thoughts of keeping an atmosphere. In short. What the Traveller and the Vex did on Mercury is a scientific IMPOSSIBILITY. The Spartans would lose against Guardians for one simple reason. Spartans have to play within the laws of physics. --------- Yet have backpack fusion reactors? And weapons that can destroy energy? --------- Guardians don't. A point that being able to be resurrected from the DEAD so often, that Hunters will JOKE about using their own bodies to clear minefields should have clued people into.[/quote] --------- Nether do.
You kinda proven my point even more with that bud.
Edited by TheArtist: 3/6/2016 5:34:28 PMNot if you understand the science I'm referring to. Our fireteams In the Dark Below kicked the ass of a being who was powerful enough to swing a sword and CRACK the surface of the moon hard enough to raise MOUNTAINS. A being who wielded enough power to create and control his own alternate DIMENSION. in short----for all intents and purposes of the word----a god. Then 6 months later kicked the ass of his DADDY who was powerful enough to RIP other beings from this dimension.....destroy their independent will...and then return them to this dimension as slaves to fight for him. That were actually MORE powerful than the beings that he kidnapped. A Spartan having to operate within the laws of physics and human techonology that is actually 300 years behind that of the Destiny Universe would not present a problem.
[quote]Not if you understand the science I'm referring to. --------- "Science" which you have provided no evidence to support. --------- Our fireteams In the Dark Below kicked the ass of a being who was powerful enough to swing a sword and CRACK the surface of the moon hard enough to raise MOUNTAINS. A being who wielded enough power to create and control his own alternate DIMENSION. --------- Because our light countered his dark. --------- in short----for all intents and purposes of the word----a god. Then 6 months later kicked the ass of his DADDY who was powerful enough to RIP other beings from this dimension.....destroy their independent will...and then return them to this dimension as slaves to fight for him. That were actually MORE powerful than the beings that he kidnapped. --------- Because light. --------- A Spartan having to operate within the laws of physics and human techonology that is actually 300 years behind that of the Destiny Universe would not present a problem.[/quote] --------- They don't operate within the laws of physics, do you really think it's possible to genetically augment humans to be able to lift 72 tons?
[quote]Not if you understand the science I'm referring to. --------- "Science" which you have provided no evidence to support. --------- Our fireteams In the Dark Below kicked the ass of a being who was powerful enough to swing a sword and CRACK the surface of the moon hard enough to raise MOUNTAINS. A being who wielded enough power to create and control his own alternate DIMENSION. --------- Because our light countered his dark. --------- in short----for all intents and purposes of the word----a god. Then 6 months later kicked the ass of his DADDY who was powerful enough to RIP other beings from this dimension.....destroy their independent will...and then return them to this dimension as slaves to fight for him. That were actually MORE powerful than the beings that he kidnapped. --------- Because light. --------- A Spartan having to operate within the laws of physics and human techonology that is actually 300 years behind that of the Destiny Universe would not present a problem.[/quote] --------- They don't operate within the laws of physics, do you really think it's possible to genetically augment humans to be able to lift 72 tons?
Edited by The Rookie: 3/6/2016 5:35:49 PMI think your exaggerating way to much in destroying a universe with a sword. Cmon dude don't over exaggerate. And like I said Spartan armor alone without its over shield can withstand nuclear blasts that can destroy planets 4x the size of Jupiter. The over shielding is 4x stronger than the armor itself. So again your logic just helps mine.
Spartans have never been shown to survive nuclear blast.
Yeah they have. Again read the lore. Even play halo 4.
Master chief was saved by Cortana in halo 4. Nowhere in any of the books have Spartans survived a nuke, heck Kurt was killed by one.
Kurt was a Spartan 2 I'm referring to Spartan 4s. And actually cortana didn't full save him. She played a role but not fully. It was mainly supposed to keep him safe from the didact.
Chief detonate the bomb then realizes that he somehow live in this weird bubble. He didn't expect to survive otherwise. Proof that spartan 4s are tens of thousands of times more durable? Because this would break sitting.
They are more durable yes but it kinda wrong. Chiefs body was never truly in that bubble is from what I heard actually. Now don't quote me on this but cortana was speaking to chief through some channel in his brain since his suit is actually linked to his brain. His real body was never in that bubble so says some lore. I'll try to find a link if I can.
Ok, but The idea of Spartans being able to survive a nuclear bomb brakes setting. As there's no way they could've died to anything short of a covenant ship, yet they do.
Edited by The Rookie: 3/7/2016 4:31:25 AMMost of the Spartan 4s that were killed were either completely disintegrated by Promethians using forerunner tech or died in the sun during the battle of Requiem. I'd like to state that I'm not saying they're immortal but damn are they durable.
Not nuke durable. Bucks armor was pierced by a bullet. Halo New Blood "Fortunately, my armor hadn’t stopped working. It automatically sealed the hole the bullet had made, keeping me from bleeding out, and injected me with a flood of biofoam, which brought the agony down from blinding to almost tolerable."
Edited by The Rookie: 3/7/2016 4:39:53 AMIf he was an odst still that's understandable. If he was a Spartan I'd imagine it hit his undersuit armor which is a titanium and Kevlar weave. Not as durable as the armor itself but can block at least 2 50 cal sniper shots until it breaks.
Edited by Edcub One: 3/7/2016 4:41:03 AMHe was a Spartan at this point, which is why the armor self repaired. It went right through and embedded itself in his body which is why he needed bio foam.
Edited by The Rookie: 3/7/2016 4:42:36 AMThen it was most likely his undersuit. Plus he couldn't have had his shields because he had no helmet. This is when he fought Mickey correct?
What do you mean?
The undersuit is the weakest point in a Spartans armor only being able to deflect 3 50 cal sniper shots before it weakens. The undersuit is mostly for Spartan comfort and temperature control with slight protection. Most protection comes from a Spartans over shields which buck couldn't have had since he had no helmet when fighting Mickey. The suit needs the helmet to power the shields so that the user doesn't get injured and because the visor helps power the shielding.
Even the under suit is still immensely durable though certainly better than standard UNSC armor. My point was simply that the cancer vibe nukes.
Spartan 4s are able to survive it I can guarantee
Edited by Edcub One: 3/7/2016 5:04:54 AMBut there's no proof, spartan fours have died before to conventional arms fire as we saw in halo escalation. And Buck was able to take down Mickey shields by repeatedly punching him. They can't withstand nuclear bombs or it would break the setting.
Edited by The Rookie: 3/7/2016 5:08:37 AMThe way buck took down his shields is because buck kept repeatedly bashing his head to break his neural implant. That or the sheer force of 1000+pounds hurling at you at incredible speeds.
Edited by Edcub One: 3/7/2016 5:12:31 AMThe difference in power between that and a nuclear bomb is far bigger than just the few dozen times he punched Mickey, he would've had to punch him tens of thousands of times before his shields broke. It's simply breaks setting and doesn't make sense.