A deeper look into sniper's body-shot damage (Topic UPDATED with an alternative solution)
An alternative solution is to look at the negative cues as to why sniping is currently dominating across the game and the general solution to [b]decrease the usage of sniping [/b]would be to increase the TTK of all primaries and revert previous nerfs of shotguns and fusion rifles.
Buffing fusion rifles
Reverse the changes you made in the 2.1 patch.
- Make the bolts tighter and more accurate to increase their reliability.
Reverse[b] all [/b]the 2.1 nerfs (including the Chaperone)
- Tighter pallets on high impact shotguns to increase their 1HKO reliability at its designed range.
- Drastic Increase to the range and stability of the lower impact shotguns. (They're higher rate of fire so this would benefit them better)
- Increase the rate of fire of medium impact shotguns (Patch A class etc)
- Decrease their recoil when shooting. (Like the VESTIAN DYNASTY)
- Increase movement speed (Like how you designed Mida Multi Tool)
- Hidden perk to increase hip-fire accuracy
- Improve Aim Assist
Hand Cannons
- Increase ammo + reload speed
- Drastic accuracy increase (Esyluna and the original Hawkmoon is a good example of an almost reliable hand cannon)
- Reverse the Hawkmoon nerf
- Increase precision damage of lowest RoF (First Curse)
Pulse Rifle
Reserve the nerfs that were made in the 2.1 patch. That was their best moment
- High RoF: Increased movement speed + hip fire accuracy
- Mid RoF: Increase body shot damage + hip fire accuracy
- Low RoF: Increase rate of fire speed
Auto rifles
- Increase damage out-put
High RoF: 3% (Good landmark design of a current weapon in this class: Doctrine)
Mid RoF: 6% (Good landmark design of a current weapon in this class: Zhalo & Monte Carlo)
Low RoF: 10% (Good landmark design of a current weapon in this class: Suros Regime)
- Increase their reload speed & handling
- Reduce damage drop off.
- Install HCR (High Calibur Rounds) as a hidden perk to all AR archetypes
- Improve their accuracy based on the weapon's default range.
Some of these may sound intense but trust me, it'll make PVPing fun all over again and make the current sniper mechanics balanced. Slower TTK is stale and just keeps snipers in their throne.
[b][u]ORIGINAL POST:[/u][/b]
While everyone is complaining about snipers AA, easy to hit headshots or landing fire while flinched. My big issue with them is their body-shot damage. So I made this video to showcase how often this is (I collected this in just 2 days of playing and this happens very regularly, every day).[b] I intentionally aim for the body to show how easy and reliable it is, while showing clips of me being shot at the body.[/b]
Their damage to the body is simply too high for the rate of fire they possess, the amount of frequent ammo and since the reticle fixes it self back into its original position (proof of that is in the video), you can land body-shots with a [b]guaranteed hit[/b] while under fire. [b]All the time.[/b]
Double tapping and swapping to primary is making sniping far to effective outside its intended role. It's supposed to be a precision based weapon and should just be effective at that only. Fusion, side-arms and shotguns operate well under their intended design while [b]snipers can essentially can become the easiest special to use when relying on the methods mentioned above. [/b]This has to be [i]stripped[/i] away so they work under their mechanical design and purpose. There is no [i][u]other way[/u] [/i]for side-arms, fusions or shotguns to be used, sniping shouldn't be an exception.
The bodyshot damage should get treated as the same as the Chaperone changes in 2.1 patch. Reduction of body shot of all high impact snipers to 3 body-shot damage and all mid to low impact snipers to 4 shots since their rate of fire is as fast as a scout rifle.
While players say sniping takes skills (that term is so vague and holds no meaning), just remember this: [b]They're the only precision weapon in the face of Destiny that doesn't need to land any headshots to come out as a victor. Think about that for a moment.[/b]
[u][b]Remember, this is not a nerf to snipers, since this will not effect your ability to headshot a player, this is a fix to cheap, easy mode sniping.
Also an add on. If you want to fix snipers headshooting while under fire. Simply make their flinch work the same way as primary weapons do. When a primary weapon flinches, it stays up, it doesn't fix it self back into position, apply this to snipers.
Edit: Seems people think the body shot damage is why without really given any kind of reasoning to it, even saying that sniping is difficult so I'll just throw in some extra facts that needs to be known.
List of features that Bungie [b]took away or did not feature[/b] from other games that made sniping tremendously easier and added reasoning why body-shot reduction will balance things in a direction.
- Quicker TTK on regular weapons to compensate snipers dominate power,
- Featuring bolt action
- Slow rate of fire (Destiny's is semi automatic)
- Descope when hit (Halo)
- Travel time so you got to lead the shot to make the kill (Titanfall),
- Sway & steady your scope to aim effective
- Properly designed recoil when shooting
- Slower ADS speed + movement speed
- Delay in weapon swapping
- Proper flinch setting.[/b]
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