You may think Batman vs Superman is the fight of the century but what about this match up here. The deadliest alien species on the universe vs the most dangerous man in existence.
The catch is..both get prep time. Who wins in this legendary fight?
The deadliest alien species in the universe vs. a deranged man in a bat costume still reeling from his parent's death years ago.
Batman. If Danny Glover can kill one...
Edited by TotallyExtreme: 3/7/2016 2:53:11 AMThat's been done a lot in the actual comics. Look it up there have been 3 different batman vs predator crossover events ( all in continuity with each other) Justice League vs Predators, Superman Vs Predators, Batman And Superman Vs Aliens And Predators, and Aliens have also crossed over with a lot of DC titles such as Superman (at least twice not counting the above mentioned one), Green Lantern, Batman (again not counting the above mentioned one). Edit: The 3 Batman Vs Predator crossovers are not on the list, those are 3 other titles
EXCUSE ME MOST DANGEROUS MAN MUST I REMIND YOU OF: MC Cole MacGrath (post-evil) Hulk Punisher Deadpool Wolverine list continues
Batman is not the most dangerous man LOL
Master Chief
Batman of course, I mean regular marines kill predators...
Who did in the comic?
Bramd - old
Megamortar -
Probably would end up with both of them dead. Predator would have hella weapons and shít, but batman would probably end up using the justice league to help
Is bat man willing to kill it with fire? [spoiler]because he is a bitch about that[/spoiler]
Bump because this fight isn't as simple as some think
Batman vs Superman isnt fight of the century its the fight of last century (Batman first featured in detective comics in 1940-1960s super man around same time; Batman vs Superman for first time was like a 1970s comic)
I read that comic... amazing