Let's see what you all think, shall we?
Edit:[spoiler] Just a small clarification, I am of course talking about the pervs with no self control who go too far and etc...[/spoiler]
Example: [spoiler]"Non-pervs" don't really do anything perverted or show it. "Perverts" are always (let's say it's a guy) checking out girls asses and tits and such and have no respect for people.[/spoiler]
That's me. That is my head and face. Behind the eyes, between the ears, and underneath the beanie is my brain. It's the only brain like it in the entire world. It contains everything that I know, everything I think, everything I've ever dreampt of, imagined, wanted, had, or wished for. Each and every person on the planet has just as unique a brain as mine. Capable of more, capable of less, full of thoughts that are unique and some that are common. Can anyone look at the face and tell what's inside of the brain behind it? I can't. I can't even look at my own face and fully know what is in the depths of the mind that I have almost non-stop and a lifetime's experience with. So I doubt that anyone is capable of looking at the face of another, and is able to tell what thoughts are within their head. Whether they are kind, or cruel, whether they are simple or complex, whether they are twisted or plain, whether they are capable of making others smile or withdraw in horror. So my opinion on "perverted people"? No one knows what so-called "perversions" exist within my skull. I don't know what exists in the minds of others. I and the rest of the world can only observe and judge the actions of others. And I draw the line only when those actions bring harm and damage to someone. Other than that? What's in their head is their own business and certainly none of mine.
Well I was about to say I am one till I read the spoilers.
I'm a python.
I watch porn every now and then, and love big booties. I know a lot of guys and girls that do the same as well. It's normal for us. I don't drink or smoke, but I love booty. I wouldn't say I'm a pervert though. I wouldn't do anything creepy like stalk a girl or follow her around.
Didn't read the spoilers... Can I change my answer from "theirs nothing wrong with them" to something else? @_@
Edited by Sapphire: 3/6/2016 10:35:20 AMI think it depends. Everyone likes to look at a good-looking person. If you start doing stuff like following them around, making disrespectful comments or taking pictures without them knowing, then I think it starts getting to be a problem...
chris hansen is my jesus
If Interracial granny porn is wrong I don't wanna be right fam
Well what exactly is your definition of a pervert?
There's a reason they're here in Offtopic
random fact of the day: [spoiler]hentai means pervert in Japanese[/spoiler]
Just a reminder that if you watch porn, you're a pervert.
They can be annoying if they repeatedly show it.
According to my wife I'm a pervert.
If they're pervs that take action on their thoughts, than they're horrible. There's nothing wrong with a regular perv though.
Where is Jared when you need him.
Depends. If they just say stuff like that but don't do anything about it it's fine. It's actually funny a lot of times. It's different when people act on it
Needle Jizo.
Doesn't bother me and I it's understandable in some cases
The first part of your broad definition includes 99.9% of the guys on this planet. Count me in!
Jiraya <3
Bramd - old
O, we summon thou, Wayde! -
Edited by Rust3dKing: 3/7/2016 12:28:05 AMThere are two types of people in the world, perverts, and closet perverts. We as human are subconsciously attracted to the hormones of the opposite sex, or same sex, so we cant help it. Now when someone cant control themselves and acts on those urges, thats when it becomes a problem.
Well.. I am one.. Uhh.. So..
You're asking Offtopic this?
40% of offtopic hates me. Crap.