Wat do? Also AMA
I'm 20 a gurl asked me to go to her prom.
I know how to wrap my willy.
Her dress is blue or teal or some shit
Wut type of tux should I buy all black with graphite grey accents as well as a blue that pops or what?
Also should mention I'm trying to make it special for her I never cared for prom even the ones I attended.
Also AMA
How did it go
What's your middle name?
she ask a hillbilly? interesting
Oh you're one of those 20 year old guys that graduated 2 years agothat still dates and hangs around the 16 year old high school girls. That's cute
Wear a tie dye tux with a bejeweled cat on the back.
Steps to have great prom Step 1 [spoiler]purchase prom ticket[/spoiler] Step 2 [spoiler]plan with your friends for the event[/spoiler] Step 3 optional but highly recommended [spoiler]have a date someone of special interests to you[/spoiler] Step 4 [spoiler]purchase appropriate thing for your date ( I don't if your gay or sr8 I'm not a mind reader) [/spoiler] Step 5 [spoiler]get a ride [/spoiler] Step 6 [spoiler]go to prom[/spoiler] Step 7 [spoiler]make your way to the dance floor with said date and friends [/spoiler] Step 8 [spoiler]take off your pants and beat your meat in front of everyone [/spoiler] Step 9 $profit$ [spoiler]for the police if your parents can pay your bail [/spoiler] Step 10 More profit [spoiler]from inevitable law suits from everyone there along with the court for indecent exposure [/spoiler] You did it and your a success story [spoiler]you live in a homeless shelter ( if your lucky) And you can't get a decent job because your a labeled sex offender [/spoiler]
Make sure you have a suit vest and a pocket square.
Edited by Rei: 3/7/2016 2:25:38 AMJust get a regular black suit, and a tie that matches her dress. Also, remember to get her a corsage.
Why? You are 20. Move one with your life
Are you taking your sister?
Edited by Beats: 3/6/2016 11:34:36 PMWear a bright pink tux
I hope your date dies in a car crash
I didn't think it was anything special. I think it's a bigger deal for girls. Got laid afterwards though.
I've got a prom to but I ain't going because I don't have money, don't like dancing, and because I don't like anyone in my crappy school.
Should've made a poll...
>opens thread >sees OP username >nope.jpg
While dancing with girl, place hands on her hips, and ur wood in her ass
Have sex after
Make sure you like the girl. K? Bye
Nice! It's a night you'll remember, I know I do!
Make sure to take her out back and maybe she'll let you enter the fish market ;)
Will you go to porn with me?
Bramd - old
Learn how to talk right. But congrats -
Good luck mate :D