Those are your words bungie. And you using those words is just hilarious. We, the players, do not need to connect with you "again". We have always been connecting. If you would read the forums, you'd see most every post is feedback, concern, questions, ideas, begging for you to hear us, to talk to us. To connect with [i][b]us.[/b][/i] You need to follow your own words. You need to connect with us period, like you always claim you do.
I've always been disappointed when they get community members (YouTubers) to talk to bungie and and ask questions. It's 100% scripted, and they don't ask real -blam!-ing questions.
"Why does any other gaming company release patches and updates in a fifth of the time it takes you guys, and there's more in a single patch than you guys do in a year?"
"Why no looking for group system in the actual game? You always talk about how this game is to be played with others, yet provided 0 eats for them to find each other. "Put down controller, open laptop and scour the Internet for people to play with" didn't sound dumb and lazy to you?"
"Why have you made endgame stuff useless and irrelevant?"
"Ever heard of Blizzard? They fixed Diablo 3 when it failed hard and disappointed the fans. They fired the creative lead guy in charge. Do you know how they fixed it? By listening to the fans, and doing what they wanted. In fact, I'm fairly certain they came to talk to you after vanilla was disappointing and told you 'you make a game for the people, for the player base, not for yourself.' And yet!"
"Based on the above question, why does Luke Smith ignore their advice and constantly tell player how they should play the game, and that's not how he intended them to play, so it's being removed or nerfed ect."
[b]addition[/b] "Luke smith also said he chose to not carry forward and y1 content, because he didn't want players to have to do. They were moving away from the grind, and bringing it forward would be too much for players. And yet TTK is more grind then y1 ever was. Classy Luke Smith."
"Why is it so hard for you guys to understand there's a difference between PVP and PVE, and that you should nerf, buff and balancing each one separately (as in, don't nerf to the ground the best reward from the raid (mythoclast) because it wrecks in PVP. it should be powerful in PVE, but you killed it because it was strong in PVP)"
"What's wrong with the crucible right now? Now I don't play it, but have seen many forum posts about it. Painting red bars green, super lag, being killed by invisible players, awful hit detection for melee (and everything else), lag lag lag."
"What is wrong with your servers? Any other game that features multiplayer has smart match making (don't match teams against solo players), and skill based match making isn't a bad idea in theory, it's just poorly executed."
"Let's talk smart loot table. This was a lie. Complete and utter lie. Just admit you 'forgot' to do it and implement it. If it is actually in the game, it's horrible, and needs to be reworked."
"No one. [b]NO ONE[/b] said 'hey, I have too many weapon parts, wish we could get less.' Stop forcing players to grind more so they don't realize your game is empty. If you actually provided meaningful content it wouldn't be an issue."
"I'm going to quote deej, not the exact word for word, but close: 'we never want to leave our players behind. When a new DLC comes out, we don't want our players to feel forced to buy it. They will always be able to carry forward. The last thing we want to do is leave our players behind.' Do you remember that deej? I sure do. So when TTK came out, did you decide to just screw over all those people that bought the game already but didn't want this new DLC? Did you feel it was right, it was justified to lock then out of content [i]they already paid for?[/i] Content such as the vendors, the nightfall, the weekly, trials of Osiris. All of which they paid for when buying destiny (HOW for trials). But you left them all behind. Exactly like you said you wouldn't. But hey, they didn't rebuy the entire game and every DLC along with the TTK, screw them! Right?"
[b]Addition[/b] "Another thing deej has said over the course of destiny: light level and gear. When DB released they made everyone's hard work pointless. All gear was left behind. Then they said oops, the last thing we wanted to do was make all your gear and hardwork meaningless. So HOW was released and they allowed everything to be carried forward with a special item. Awesome. They stuck to their word. And then the TTK was released and they went back on their word. Again. Just like for many other issues. Have some consistency guys."
"Is it so hard to admit mistakes? People make them. Companies make them. Revert your nightfall and weekly back to how it was Y1. Everyone liked if better. No one likes Y2."
There's so many more. Please Feel free to add.
Edited by Stallcall: 3/4/2016 4:25:31 PMBungie: "Connect with us again." Community: "Sure, fill us in on the spring update and the DLC." Bungie: "Lol no."
This 110%
Spot on. Every single point was spot on.
This is long af. But is true af too. I've never played a game that got worse as I played it. The changes they have made are so head scratching I'm beginning to think bungie is the darkness. And we are fighting them. Doesn't it feel that way? Anytime you play a raid or nightfall or IB match I'm fighting bungie for my loot. Cuz I defeated the match or activity. I've done my part. But bungie has not done there's. They keep creating more ways for me to grind. Like the weapon parts nerf that OP mentions. That is unacceptable. Why in the actual -blam!-? Bungie that is just dirty. How are the devs doing this? Aren't you gamers too? Your souls must be screaming to be released. Cuz there is no way you implemented that unless you're a -blam!-ing salesman. Stop being a marketing bitch, an insurance salesman, or a corporate suck up. Be a gamer, bungie. Make the game you want to play. Stop with the fluff currencies, nerfs, and repetitive content. I know you know what I'm saying. Too bad the social media wall of butt won't let this feedback into the room. In a weird twisted way I'm try to be motivational. I've played this game more than any other. You know why? It wasn't the rng or the grind for ghorn, or getting to lvl 30. Or getting my first Crota kill. Cuz I have hope. Hope that you see the issues and give the additional gamers effort to make this epic. It's right there. Just stop being greedy. Be the gamers I know you are you bastards!!!
Edited by somarynot: 3/5/2016 7:25:42 PMThis^
You got to admit though.... it has been a hell of a ride. And fun at that. Through the ups and the downs, the joys and the glitches. My hope is the new guy in charge will actually make D2 what Destiny was suppose too be.
Oops, clicked the wrong guy to reply to. You are 100% right OP, I will bump.
Watch it go
Bungie: "why are they not reaching out to us?".
Mostly just and copy and past from your last post but it's still right on. So Bump..
Warlock self bump