Since I play Destiny on xbox one and there is nothing new going on for the next month or two it seems, I've been playing other games. Turned on my PS4 and got to work on Black Ops 3(hit master prestige finally) and also bought Omega Ruby for the 3dsxl. While I love Destiny and would like to see new content soon, it has been nice not feeling obligated to play it. So my question is, what games have you played and what have you been doing during this 6 month drought of Destiny?
Edit 1: A lot of Halo fans in here (not surprising). Also a lot of Fallout and Bloodborne players. Personally im waiting until Bethesda makes a new Elder Scrolls game that is NOT ESO.
Edit 2: I really appreciate the replies by all you folks. Its nice to know there are still gamers out there that can enjoy a plethora of different genres of games.
didnt even buy ttk
Enjoying vr and pc gaming.
Rocket League, CoD, Pokémon(stoked for sun and moon) plus other games in the backlog here and there.
Rainbow six siege has been alot of fun. As well as firewatch. And a lot of fallout. Probably gonna be the division as well when it launches
Competitive smash (Marth and Cap Falcon <333), Dark Souls 2 and Destiny are equally splitting my time rn.
Been playing Rocket League. A little Halo 5. Some BO3. Still play destiny though. I did pre order Overwatch and Doom 4. Looking forward to Doom.
Witcher 3, fallout 4 oh and Pokemon of course
Bo3 and Battlefront 3
Edited by bojangin: 3/4/2016 9:08:24 PMUnravel. Rocket league. Started destiny on my ps4 and got 3 level 40 315+ characters in less than a month. Lol Started playing halo 5 pvp last night. Not a fan but it's decent
Borderlands and division
Witcher 3, fallout 4, ESO, far cry 4 and primal. Whatever I can get my hands on really
Still play Destiny, but have been playing Bloodborne. Will also go back and play all the Dark Souls games when the original is available as backwards compatible.
Halo 5 Ark: Survival Evolved Dishonored About it though.
Destiny ... almost reactivated my Eve Online accounts
Never tried Warframe, just downloaded it the other day. Played twice and it's kinda fun.
Batman arkham knight, bloodborne, and dying light. Waiting for dark souls three and no man's sky comes out soon so destiny might collect some dust in the next couple months.
Farcry primal, dying light, helldivers, Rocket league
Went back to Borderlands.
Halo 5. I only really come back for Iron Banner anymore.
BO3 - 270 Hours of Zombies ;)
I've played a game called "living my life".
Fallout, bf4, bo3
Smite, fallout, and witcher.
-Dabble in BO3 when I'm really bored. -FFX HD going for the platinum on my Vita. Just got chocobo race and 1 Al bhed primer I missed on my first playthrough left. -Close to 100% Bastion. -Still on the fence about the Division. One of the big hooks for destiny for me is the gunplay and controls. I've heard The Controls in the Division are standard 3rd person fare and the feel is generic.
Borderlands Handsome Collection
Done 100% all the uncharted trilogy on waiting for darksouls 3...funny fact.we have more information for the game that comes out this month.than the game we are playing now...I guess we will see a drought in players if they don't announce anything next week