Edited by Wryyymoved: 3/9/2016 5:53:35 PMNow thats what i call edgy
Bramd - old
The feels are real -
Edited by XenoNinja77: 3/9/2016 12:05:02 AMCarrying on Sandtrap's legacy, I see.
I didn't get a permission slip for this feels trip.
I never asked for this (¡-¡)
Right in the feels
I actually was crying earlier because of this picture ;~;
This therapist didn't sign up for the feels trip
(>••-••)> no
;~; that hit the feels in a really personal spot
Y u do dis?
I don't know.
[quote]Y u do dis?[/quote]
[quote][quote]Y u do dis?[/quote][/quote]
Edited by Tamerov13: 3/3/2016 2:14:52 PMSad face