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Edited by Brick: 3/2/2016 8:16:48 PM

That was the nail in the coffin.

Ride along concludes with precisely zero announcements about the new content. Staring the release of the division in the face and they still say nothing. One word sums up my relationship with Bungie: done.

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  • Edited by Kizo: 3/3/2016 11:53:07 AM
    Do you understand what the purpose of the Ride Alongs are? [spoiler]I thought this was gonna be a post about Another NitC[/spoiler]

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    • The division? Another Ubisoft made masterpiece? Lmaoooo like armored core? Nah ...i will take a pass

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    • You really think they were going to announce a new DLC during a dreadnaught ride along? Also Bungie would be stupid to go toe to toe with the division simply with a DLC. Much better they play the smart game, let the division come out and then wait a while for the hype to die down then release your DLC.

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      3 Replies
      • Noooooooooooooo!!!!!! Bricks leaving destiny because the twitch ride along didnt deliver! Damn. Thanks for telling us Brick. If you had of just gone missing these forums would have been totally grief stricken!. I mean its Brick!!! We all know and love Brick well enough to care that hes leaving destiny right?......right?......anyone?

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        • Edited by MainEventEV: 3/3/2016 4:57:26 PM
          This post sums up exactly what is wrong with this community and possibly even our youth in general. Bungie announced exactly what they would be doing last week, in regards to this event and yet there are still a bunch of whiny ass 12 year olds tuning in expecting to get some huge announcement about the new DLC or any other content. Then when they don't get exactly what they want they come cry on the forums about it. There's a reson they're not giving much information out about it. [spoiler][/spoiler]They want it to be a suprise [spoiler][/spoiler]

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          • Incoming overly optimistic defenders of destiny

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          • Your mom!

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          • They literally said that they weren't going to reveal anything new on the Ride Along this week. And it's not going to reveal anything next week either.

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          • Division

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          • Another update saying absolutely -blam!-ing nothing.

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            4 Replies
            • Yea because telling us that content is on it way is not enough, we need constant updates! [spoiler]gtfo[/spoiler]

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            • They keep saying that the dreadnaught is 'inscrutable' and 'loot filled' but ive been to every spot on that hellhole and it is very 'scrutable'. You want a 'loot filled fortress'? Go to General Knoxx's vault on OG Borderlands. That's some loot for your ass.

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              • Shut up Meg.

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              • \/ \/ \/ /------------------------------\ *********************************** ^ ^

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              • The stream was really bad, it really was. The fact they wasted resources on that when they could be serving up more content was shameful.

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              • mayhaps the weekly update will have something to say >___>

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                14 Replies
                • You really could see how uncomfortable the three of them looked throughout that broadcast. I honestly think they could have pulled it off if they were not so uptight during the show. Even though it was a re-hash ride along and probably more like a pilot to make sure all the equipment would work properly. And really, if they would have treated it that way, not making the pretense that it was some kind of first time reveal and really tried to have fun with it it would have come across much better. A comedic break was sorely needed. It was more like a talk show interview with the programmers say like "Talking Destiny" , I don't know, they just could have taken a different light and tone to this and made something different and better. But truthfully, with everything swirling around them right now and just have the generic "more is on the way" speech...again...caused it to fall so very flat. C'mon, a stick figure story board for the first five seconds of the new content would be a huge improvement over this "more is coming, be brave and stay tuned" stuff.

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                • Did you honestly expect any sort of announcement about any update or future content? Have you ever seen a bungie stream b4?

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                • 1
                  Division is ok players will come back they always do

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                • Toxic community.

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                • Blue 260 and purple 270 engrams are keeping this game alive.....

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                • Go read the opening of the weekly update on 2/18. They mention communicating with the community more via these ride alongs since most of the community doesn't appear to read much. That is why some people were expecting some announcements or further details to their plan for things going forward.

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                • I think it was the right idea, wrong timing. That kinda of stuff would be cool right as ttk releases. The concept art stuff though was really the only interesting thing because everybody has already played those levels and understands about most of the things that were implemented to make the missions different from year one. This would have been a cool stream at the release of ttk, or a slow week after abig announcement, or something. This community is looking for whats next at this point though, not bungie praising themselves for some missions that nobody cares about anymore. I get that this was their first stream from their new studio. I get that not every week they have a stream is going to be groundbreaking or shocking news. But just even adding one or two teasers about the upcoming update would have made it worthwhile. Hell, i honestly think bungie should have just made this a Q & A session, where they take questions from the community and answer them. They don't have to answer anything they aren't ready to, but just let the community know that you are listening, and that there are answers to some of the questions they have.

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                  • The Division. 5 days.

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                  • You expected announcements? You went in watching with the wrong mindset, mang.

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                  • Weekly updates are meant for updates... The ride along was just for community interaction... ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]

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