We all had those games, the ones we spent our childhoods playing, trying to get that last level, that last missions done
What did you all grow up on?
My personal games I grew up on, where Metroid and Zelda
Yeah yeah, Nintendo sucks, blah blah blah
But I loved the games, still do
Overall though, I preferred Metroid
Just the feel of the game, being Samus, and walking around these unknown planets in an attempt to save the Galaxy, and flying everywhere
The story was amazing, especially in the Prime trilogy
The Prime games (Prime 1-3) where what stuck with me the most, they're probably the most iconic as well
For Zelda, Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask are what stuck with me
Majora's Mask was creepy as hell, especially when I was younger, but it was a good game
Twilight Princess is what stuck with me though, the game has that "feel" to it, the one that makes you want to come back and play it again
Twilight Princess was dark and moody, with a long story that was well thought out as well
Trying to figure out puzzles was hard to
So, what where Offtopic's favorite games growing up?
Edit: a lot of Pokemon players, kewl
Pokemon Red and Halo 1
Bramd - old
An old game called "outside" -
Halo 1
Chocolate milk
Battlefield 2142 anyone?
Edited by FightinFinn 2-7: 3/2/2016 6:42:07 PMMy first 2 consoles were the sega genisis and the N64, so naturally I was a sonic fan on the sega and mario 64 and golden eye on the N64. Edit: Almost forgot OG smash bros.
Lord of the Rings strategy game, forot the name, Battlefront and Call of Duty 2. And then Halo when I got a little older and that was that.
My preferences [spoiler]Are the same as yours [/spoiler] [spoiler][b][i]LONG LIVE SAMUS[/i][/b][/spoiler]
Kirby,Mario games,halo etc.
Ratchet and Clank [spoiler]If we count board games, chess and Popup Pirate.[/spoiler]
Obscure PS2 racing games.
Edited by White Spider: 3/2/2016 5:47:27 PMSuper Smash Bros. and Mario games, mostly. I actually didn't play any Halo game until I was 12. Oh, and Pokémon was definitely a series that I played a shit ton of.
Edited by Vasthrae: 3/2/2016 5:45:40 PMFaxanadu, Shadow Gate, Crystalis, Wizardry, Arena, Mudd's. Maniac Mansion.
Crash Bandicoot, Metroid and Sonic... and Halo obviously
Mainly the Pokemon games, Kirby, and Crash Bandicoot
Gib meh all day halo
Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, and Gran Turismo.
Edited by MerLew: 3/2/2016 4:51:13 PMI grew up on meth...... [spoiler]methodology D: aka pwning noobs[/spoiler]
Mario and pokemon, also halo
Video game-wise: Donkey Kong Country and Warioland 3 on my GameBoy Color. Goldeneye, Star Fox, WWF Warzone, and Diddy Kong Racing on the N64. I also had a NES (is it "a NES" or "an NES?") with Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt. My dad also bought me a Playstation 2 when they made the small version, and gave me Lego Star Wars and GTA San Andreas (woops!) Board/Card game-wise: Checkers, Chinese checkers, Sorry!, Go-Fish, Uno, and Rook
Mario kart wii i am mlg level on that game because if how long i played it
When I was little it was Mario Zelda and the 8 bit Mortal Kombat
All the NES classics. I downloaded The Legend of Zelda on the Wii U for only $4.99, I'm currently replaying it for nostalgia.
Edited by Shpip: 3/2/2016 4:00:32 PMStar Wars: Jedi Knight 2 Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Star Wars: Battlefront (1&2) Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Luigi's Mansion Metroid Runescape (lol) And a lot more I can't remember off the top of my head.
Star Wars Pod Racing on the N64 😀