Edit: Wow thank you guys for the awesome response hopefully this has a chance to be #MOTW worthy!
Edit: We made it to the creations page! #MOTW Can we do it? = P: Thank You!
That's just regular bomb right? Lol I tried it with lance an it never came down hahahaha
Love space magic too <3
You sir make me believe in god
Teach me.
Daaaamn son how do you stuff that thing?
Seems like a waste of a nova bomb, it all luck. Wonder how many times you tried but missed.
Lol I can't believe it didn't detonate on that piece of fabric above you.
This makes me want to go use my warlock lol
I've seen some stuff like that in the past but that's the first time I've seen someone make it to see their own handiwork. That's naaaasty
Holy shitballs
Wow man..
And this fellow Guardians, is why Warlocks are Bungie's Master Class.
That was absolutely savage. I am very impressed
Damn son... Bump
Bramd - old
Well done sir
Aerial bombardment commencing
Edited by Happyjoey547014: 2/28/2016 5:16:42 PMReminds me of this one from a while back. Well done.
That's was awesome!