Since that other Pokemon post is still trending I though I should make a slightly more harder one :)
Remember to put your answers in [b]Spoilers[/b] because some people actually want to guess and have fun.
Also rate on the difficulty of this guessing game :)
Elektrike, Aron, and Mightyena
What about this Pokemon?;
Edited by Haknir: 2/29/2016 1:22:04 PM[spoiler]aron, manectric, and idk the last one [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Manectric[/spoiler] [spoiler]Aron[/spoiler] [spoiler]Mightyena[/spoiler]
Manectric, Aron, and Mightyena
[spoiler] Ditto, Ditto, and Ditto [/spoiler]
Something along the lines of evig I stihs eseht lla ta kool
Edited by MushroomAxis16: 2/28/2016 11:14:31 PMElektrike and Aron. Don't know last one. Not elektrike manectric
[spoiler]manectric, aron and mightyena, my original team for ruby and emerald. [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
These were from Ruby and Sapphire, weren't they -
Edited by BrandRobKus: 2/28/2016 10:23:20 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
Manectric and Aron, and myghyenta Manectric: electric Aron: steel and rock Mightyenta: dark -
Triron The Mighty [spoiler]Ditto[/spoiler]
I got this. Golden Cock Broken Ocarina Bad Tribal Tattoo Boom, where's my prize?
John Cena, Randy Orton and Macho Man Randy Savage.
Edited by Birdman: 2/28/2016 7:36:32 PM[spoiler]eletric Aron Myteana[/spoiler] Probably misspelled
[spoiler]manectric, Aron, and mightyena[/spoiler]
Mantric Aaron Mightyena Typo maybe? [spoiler]I have no life[/spoiler]
Maynetric. Arron. Mighyena. All spelled wrong most likely
Edited by Deus_Irae: 2/28/2016 6:32:32 PMC'mon, this is simple stuff [spoiler]Manectric, Aron, Mightyena[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Manetric, Aron, Mightyena[/spoiler]
Edited by TheCroatoan: 2/28/2016 6:17:18 PM[spoiler]Manetric Aron Mightyena Hoenn region.[/spoiler]
Edited by Seldser: 2/28/2016 6:13:07 PM[spoiler]Manectric, Aron, Mightyena[/spoiler]
Edited by FestiveSnydley: 2/28/2016 6:09:34 PM[spoiler]Manetric, Aron, Mightyana[/spoiler]
Anything after gen 2 does not exist
Edited by ShockTrue622: 2/28/2016 6:39:25 AM[spoiler]Manetric, Aron(my favorite Pokémon), and mightyana. It was kinda hard for me to remember them[/spoiler]