I PC game on an ASUS Laptop. GTX655 or something like that. I love it- it is big but fits in my bag, and can play any game I want at at least 25 FPS as long as it's plugged in. 30+ almost always. 'Low' settings give me 60 often enough.
... But I want ultra. I feel comfortable enough with my income where I think it's time I get myself a desktop fully capable of playing any game on the highest settings without much issue, and future proofed at least for a couple years. The only problem is... where do I start? I don't know about prices of these things, nor would I even begin to know how to put one together. So I'm appealing to Bnet.
Google found me this one someone made:
I'm OK with the price, but I don't know if that's the best bang for my buck or if it would even be enough to meet the standards I want.
So Bnet, can any of you knowledgeable folks help? I'd prefer it to not bust $2000 in total (parts, monitor, keyboard, whatever). But again, I don't know how much the things really cost.
Also, I came here before Reddit.
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2DQ8Lk Speed build
This is the build I'm currently looking at after talking with a bunch of people. But I'm not making the purchase for a month so nothing is even close to set until then. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/46H3K8
I got my dream machine in mind already: Alienware Area 51 Tower Intel i7-5930k with 6 cores, a 15mb cache, an Overclocked 3.9 GHZ 32GB DDR4 Memory 2133mhz 2 4GB GeForce GTX 980s 256GB SSD 4TB 6KRPM Hard Drive And a 1500 Watt power supply
I'm waiting a few months before I overhaul my PC. Then again, I'm an AMD fan and can't wait much longer. ò_ó
Edited by Martiis: 2/28/2016 7:21:05 AMThis is what I would build based on what you said you're looking for. [url]http://pcpartpicker.com/p/4cGJsY[/url] All you really need for gaming as far as a CPU goes is an i5; having an i7 is nice, but at the end of the day most games still only use 4 threads. So something like the i5 6600k should last for a while. There are still people using the 2500k as IPC hasn't seen a significant increase since 2011, and we probably won't see a jump for quite some time still. 16 Gigs of ram is more than enough for now as games still aren't even using 8 yet, so you're pretty future proofed here. As for the GPU; most people are going to tell you that the 980ti is the best flagship card for the money right now, but I actually disagree with this statement. While it is a top of the line card and does perform phenomenally in current DX11 games; the R9 Fury X performs just as well trading blows on a game to game basis. But the main reason I would recommend a Fury X over a 980ti is because of DX12, and what we have seen thus far in all the benchmarks that have come out. AMD/ATI's GCN architecture is fine tuned for the features of DX12, namely asynchronous shading or asynchronous compute, whatever you want to call it. Nvidia's Maxwell architecture on the other hand cannot do it natively; it can only be emulated. And since you want as much future proofing as possible, I would recommend the Fury X.
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ZBGk4D Close enough to my build. But the phone site is meh, and I couldn't be bothered searching forever. My build is laughing at ultra right now, and will do for a while more.
Btw that build you found is what you are asking for. Just get that
Let's not and say we did
How about we build a mac instead? Has better gear, and more things that makes it....ya know, a mac! *gets hit by train and ragdolls*
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/sdd2pg best build imo.
Needs more poptarts.
How to build a PC: 1: Get monitor. 2: Get floppy disk. 3: Throw floppy disk at monitor. 4: ??? 5: Profit.
[quote]I PC game [/quote] failure of the public school system
Edited by Duardo: 2/28/2016 2:47:59 AMNot trolling this time, I do think any kind of tower, as long as you have a lot of RAM (16-32 GB), an awesome processor, and a great graphics card, would be a good fit for you. Definitely an upgrade from a gaming laptop. IMO, unless I knew what I was doing in terms of building a PC, I'd search Google for a site that builds PCs and look at the pricing/specs.
Edited by Duardo: 2/28/2016 2:43:38 AMGet an iMac.
Use Windows 98
3tb drive for all tha porn
You can build one up to 1,200$ and still play the latest games on ultra, you don't need flashy cases or water cooling. Remember every part is essential and it must be compatible with other parts or else you will bottleneck your system.
This can only end well.
Bramd - old
Use everything mentioned in the PC master race anthem -
The one you posted looks fine burrito. With all the accessories that will bring you to about $2000. A 980 should easily last a couple years, by then the price of them will have gone down and you can just buy another one, run SLI, and you'll be good for another couple years if you want. I'm not really sure about that hard drive, it has no reviews on newegg, you might want to go with something a little more reputable. It's really up to you to get what you want. I like to color match mine, or buy the coolest looking one. Unless your chasing overclock numbers or something you really don't have to be too picky as long as its a decent brand.
*Insert ascii of a buff dude* PC BRO
I can build a PC watch P C Boom.